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VISITING RESEARCHER, Applied Macroeconomic Research Division, Bank of Lithuania

Bank of Lithuania

Economics Department

Bank of Lithuania

The Bank of Lithuania (BoL) invites applications for positions in its Visiting Researcher Program for the year 2024. The program is coordinated by the Applied Macroeconomic Research Division of the Economics Department. The Division undertakes applied research in macro, fiscal, monetary, labour and international economics with the aim of contributing to the analytical and policy functions of the Economics Department – to conduct and publish high quality research and facilitate decision making at the BoL on monetary and other economic policy issues. The Applied Macroeconomic Research Division is also responsible for building and developing macroeconomic models that are used in forecasting, scenario analysis and policy evaluations.

Structural unit: Applied Macroeconomic Research Division, Economics Department

Program description:

During their stay at the BoL, visiting researchers are expected to conduct economic research either individually or in cooperation with the BoL’s staff. The research projects will be agreed upon in advance, and their results are to be presented in BoL seminars and published as research papers in the BoL’s working paper series. Publication of the papers in refereed academic journals is strongly encouraged.

Visiting researchers will be provided with office space, available data resources and computing facilities. They will receive compensation according to the BoL’s remuneration system. The duration of stay is flexible, determined by the amount of time needed to complete the project, but it typically ranges from 3 to 6 months.

Research priorities of the program:

Proposals in all areas of economics relevant for central banks will be considered, but priority will be given to research projects on topics most aligned with the current and medium-term research priorities of Applied Macroeconomic Research Division. These include but are not limited to:

  • The role of labour market institutions (min wage, unemployment benefits, active labour market policies, etc.), real labour market developments and market forces - Lithuanian perspective;
  • Households' wealth and finances: dynamics and redistributions, heterogeneity of firms and households;
  • Wage and profit developments, their persistence and their implications for price pressures; Competitiveness developments in the euro area and Lithuania;
  • Monetary policy transmission channels (for Lithuania);
  • Economics of ageing.

Advantages of working at the BoL:

  • Participation in the central bank activities and getting to know from the inside the Eurosystem central bank functions and economic policy organization;
  • Participation in the BoL invited speaker seminars, presentations and economic conferences;
  • Working in a team of experts and professionals.


Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or be Ph.D. candidates in economics, finance or econometrics. They must be fluent in spoken and written English.

Considered advantages:

  • Relevant research experience;
  • Academic publications;
  • Teaching experience.

Application documents:

Applications should be submitted in English and include the following:

  • Cover letter;
  • Research proposal, including:
    • Research topic and main research question(s);
    • Short literature review;
    • Brief description of research methodology (data, software, etc.) and expected results;
  • Preferred starting date and duration of the research project;
  • Applicant’s CV (with a list of publications and working papers);
  • Two letters of recommendation (only in the case of Ph.D. candidates and new Ph.D.’s)
  • Sample research paper (if available).

Applications should be submitted via system.

They may also be submitted by email at [email protected] (preferably in PDF format). Please indicate “BoL VRP–2024” in the subject line.

Application deadlines:

At least 1 month before the intended visiting period (over April 2024 – March 2025)

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