
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

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Latest Issue: Volume 90, Issue 5

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 90 Iss. 5

p. i-ii

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Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 90 Iss. 5

p. i-ii

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p. 1935-1935

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p. 1935-1935

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Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists

David Card, Stefano DellaVigna, Patricia Funk, Nagore Iriberri
p. 1937-1971

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Tasks, Automation, and the Rise in U.S. Wage Inequality

Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo
p. 1973-2016

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Preparing for the Worst But Hoping for the Best: Robust (Bayesian) Persuasion

Piotr Dworczak, Alessandro Pavan
p. 2017-2051

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Volatility and the Gains from Trade

Treb Allen, David Atkin
p. 2053-2092

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Fiscal Rules and Discretion under Limited Enforcement

Marina Halac, Pierre Yared
p. 2093-2127

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A General Framework for Robust Contracting Models

Daniel Walton, Gabriel Carroll
p. 2129-2159

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Full Information Equivalence in Large Elections

Paulo Barelli, Sourav Bhattacharya, Lucas Siga
p. 2161-2185

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Information Hierarchies

Benjamin Brooks, Alexander Frankel, Emir Kamenica
p. 2187-2214

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Experimentation and Approval Mechanisms

Andrew McClellan
p. 2215-2247

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Monetary Policy, Redistribution, and Risk Premia

Rohan Kekre, Moritz Lenel
p. 2249-2282

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Rules and Commitment in Communication: An Experimental Analysis

Guillaume R. Fréchette, Alessandro Lizzeri, Jacopo Perego
p. 2283-2318

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(S)Cars and the Great Recession

Orazio Attanasio, Kieran Larkin, Morten O. Ravn, Mario Padula
p. 2319-2356

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Market Size and Spatial Growth—Evidence From Germany's Post-War Population Expulsions

Michael Peters
p. 2357-2396

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Optimal Taxation of Income-Generating Choice

Laurence Ales, Christopher Sleet
p. 2397-2436

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Structural Rationality in Dynamic Games

Marciano Siniscalchi
p. 2437-2469

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Household Leverage and the Recession

Callum Jones, Virgiliu Midrigan, Thomas Philippon
p. 2471-2505

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2507-2508

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2507-2508

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 90 Iss. 5

p. iii-v

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 90 Iss. 5

p. iii-v

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