The Econometric Society Monograph Series
Edited by: Andrea Prat, Serena Ng
Edited by: Andrea Prat, Serena Ng
For monographs in economic theory, a PDF of the manuscript should be emailed to Professor Andrea Prat at Only electronic submissions will be accepted. In exceptional cases for those who are unable to submit electronic files in PDF format, three copies of the original manuscript can be sent to:
Professor Andrea Prat
Columbia Business School
Columbia University
3022 Broadway, Uris 624
New York, NY 10027-6902,U.S.A.
For monographs in theoretical and applied econometrics, a PDF of the manuscript should be emailed to Professor Serena Ng at Only electronic submissions will be accepted. In exceptional cases for those who are unable to submit electronic files in PDF format, three copies of the original manuscript can be sent to:
Professor Serena Ng
Columbia University
Department of Economics
1022 International Affairs Building (IAB), Mail Code 3308
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.
They must be accompanied by a letter of submission and be written in English. Authors submitting a manuscript are expected to notify the Editors if they have submitted it elsewhere. It is the author's responsibility to inform the Editors about these matters. There is no submission charge.
The Editors will also consider proposals consisting of a detailed table of contents and one or more sample chapters, and can offer a preliminary contingent decision subject to the receipt of a satisfactory complete manuscript.
All submitted manuscripts should be double spaced on paper of standard size, 8.5 by 11 inches or European A, and should have margins of at least 1 inch on all sides. The figures should be publication quality. The manuscript should be prepared in the same manner as papers submitted to Econometrica.
Manuscripts may be rejected, returned for specified revisions, or accepted. Once a monograph has been accepted, the author will sign a contract with the Econometric Society on the one hand, and with the Publisher, Cambridge University Press, on the other. Currently, monographs usually appear no more than twelve months from date of final acceptance.