Our Donors (2016-October 19, 2022)

Thank You to Our Donors

The Econometric Society is grateful for the support of our donors as we continue to promote and disseminate economics as a science. Your gift will help us expand our activities and support constructive and rigorous research across the world. The names below generously donated to one or more of the fundraising campaigns run from 2016 to 2021 and chose one of the following funding categories: the General Society Fund; the Fund for African Scholars; the Fund for Young Scholars; or no designation. Thank you. (Updated 10.19..22)


$100,000 and up

Gregory and Paula Chow
Cowles Foundation

$10,000 - 99,999

Anonymous, In memory of Jeff Banks and Dan Nelson
Amazon Science
BBVA Foundation
D E Shaw & Co
Pinelopi Goldberg* **
José Scheinkman, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Two Sigma

$5,000 - 9,999

Russell Davidson,* ** In memory of Ramo Gencay
Bengt Holmstrom,* ** In memory of: Paul A Samuelson
Bob Litterman, In honor of Chris Sims
Northwestern Economists, In memory of Dale Mortensen
Bernard Salanié,* ** In memory of Edmond Malinvaud
Lawrence Summers, In honor of Robert Summers
Hal Varian and the Varian Family Charitable Fund**

$1,000 - 4,999

Andrew Abel*
John Abowd* **
Anonymous* (3 members)
Anonymous, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
David Austen-Smith**
Jushan Bai
Dirk Bergemann
Hongbin Cai
Eddie Dekel, In honor of Mort Kamien and Dale Mortensen
Avinash Dixit, In honor of Robert and Julie Gordon
Darrell Duffie
Zvi Eckstein* **
Ernst Fehr* **
Fidelity Charitable Grant Donor
Fidelity Charitable Grant Donor, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Drew Fudenberg* **
Masahiro Fijiwara, In memory of Kotaro Suzumura
Robert Gordon
John Ham*
Jerry Hausman**
Kenneth Hendricks, In memory of Bill Sandholm
Garett Jones
Melvyn King, In memory of Martin Feldstein
Roger Koenker,* ** In memory of John Garang de Mabior
Anthony Lancaster
George Mailath
Rosa Matzkin* **
Stephen Morris* **
Serena Ng
Yaw Nyarko*
Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, In memory of Kotaro Suzumura
Ariel Pakes,* ** In memory of Gary Chamberlain and Zvi Griliches
Princeton Economists, In memory of John Nash
Richard Quandt,** In honor of Robert and Julie Gordon
Ricardo Reis**
John Rust,**In memory of Chelin Su and James A. Berkovec
Jose Scheinkman, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Schwab Charitable Grant Donor
Robert Shiller
Vanguard Charitable Fund Donor
Robert Willig and Ginny Mason,* ** In memory of James Rosse
Jeffrey Wooldridge* **
Kezhou Xiao,* In memory of W. Arthur Lewis  

up to $999

Anonymous* ** (40 members)
Etto Aea
Victor Aguirregabir**
Chunrong Ai
Yacine Ait-Shalia
Joseph Altonji
Torben Andersen, In honor of Dale Mortensen
Gordon Anderson**
James Anderoni
Hernan Alonso Arias
William Arnold
Jaime Aristy Escuder
Luis Diego Astorga Rojas
Costas Azariadis**
Oriana Bandiera
Kaushik Basu
Pierpaolo Battigalli* **
Robert A. Becker, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Jess Benhabib
Jeffrey Bergstrand,* ** In memory of Donald D. Hester
Ben Bernanke
Steven Berry* ** ***
Timothy Besley*
Utpal Bhattacharya* **
Keshab Bhattarai
Ou Bianling
Adam Biela**
Lawrence Blume
Alison Booth, In memory of Patrick Nolen
Alberto Brandi
Willem Brauers
Eric Budish*
John Campbell* **
Barbora Čelkovå
Ryan Chahrour*
Abhijit Chakraborty**
Kalyan Chatterjee*
Satyajit Chatterjee* ** ***
Pierre-André Chiappori* **
Larence Christiano
Matthew Cicero
Tianxiang Cong
Peter Cramton
Vincent Crawford,** In memory of Halbert White
Janet Currie* ** ***
Steven Davis*
Aranzazu De Juan Fernandez**
Habiba Djebbari* **
Matt Doepke
Prosper Dovonon* **
M.R. Dunn
Pascaline Dupas*
Jonathan Eaton
Graham Elliott
Jenny Ely, In honor of Dale Mortensen
Ashley Emershaw
Eduardo Engel
Jaime Aristy Escuder
Marcela Eslava
Joseph Fain
Ray Fair* **
Hanming Fang
Long Feng
A. de Juan Fernandez
Chris Flinn
Satoshi Fukuda*
Douglas Gale*
Emmanuel Garti
Paul Glewwe*
Limar Golan
Roger Gordon, In memory of Hal White
Carl-Christian Groh
Luigi Guiso
Zvi Hercowitz
​Thai Ha-Huy
Roxana Halbleib
Andrew Harvey*
Elhanan Helpman*
Igal Hendel, In honor of Dale Mortensen
Zvi Hercowitz
Keisuke Hirano* **
Lyn Hogan* **
Thomas Holmes*
Bengt Holmstrom,* In memory of Paul A. Samuelson
Bo Honoré* **
Joel Horowitz, In memory of Dale Mortensen
Ali Hortacsu
Laura Hospido Quintana
Vincent Hotz
Yuqing Hu
Kenryo Indo**
Junichiro Ishida
Devendra Jain
Boyan Jovanovic**
Charles Jones* **
John B. Jones*
Ludovic Julien
John Kagel
Masato Kagihara**
Takeshi Kato
Irina Kirysheva
Elizabeth Klee**
Peter Klenow
Mami Kobayashi
Narayana Kocherlakota, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Alan Krueger, In memory of John Nash
Eiji Kurozumi*
Eliana La Ferrara*
David I. Laibson* **
PRG Layard
Andrey Leonidov
Peter Lerner*
Jing Li, In memory of David Taguas
Meng Li, In memory of Jiajun
Yao Li, In memory of John Whalley
Wen-Chi Liao
Zuofeng Liu
Nicola Limodio**
Daniel Lopez Perez
Caio Lorecchio
Peter Lorentzen*
Matija Lozej
Mark Machina, In memory of Halbert White
E. Magnani

Soumitra Kumar Mallick
Anthony Martini
Andrew K. McKenzie, In memory of Lionel W. McKenzie
Rachael Meager*
Costas Meghir*
Bruce Meyer*
Margaret Meyer*
Paul Milgrom
Ahmed Mobarak
Linda Moeller
Robert Moffitt* ** ***
Dilip Mookherjee*
Victor Murinde,* In memory of Seforoza Bugunwire
Roger Myerson*
John Nachbar* **
Jorg Naeve**
Klaus Nehring
David Newbery, In memory of Frank Hahn
Yoshinori Nishimura* ** ***
Volker Nocke**
Yuichi Noguchi, In memory of Mort Kamien
Adeyinka Micheal Olure-Bank
Sidzanbnoma Ouedraogo
Ariel Pakes,* In memory of Zvi Griliches
Haiyan Pang
Ziho Park
Jonathan Parker
Luigi Pistaferri
Fabien Postel-Vinay
James Poterba, In memory of W.M. Gorman
Wolfgang Pesendorfer, In memory of Lionel McKenzie and John Nash
Leobardo Plata Perez
Viktor Polterovich
Fabien Postel-Vinay* **
James Poterba, In memory of W.M. Gorman
Drazen Prelec
Peter Quartey
Kelly Quinn
Andrea Raffo*
Agus R. Rahman
Valerie and Gary Ramey
Assaf Razin
Philip Reny**
Foellmi Reto
Seth Richards Shubik, In memory of Martin Shubik
Donald Roberts**
John Roemer*
William Rogerson, In memory of Dale Mortensen
Luis Diego Astorga Rojas
Carlos Rosales
Marzena Rostek
Michael Rothschild, In memory of Zvi Griliches
Fumiki Sakurauch
Claire Sashi, In memory of John Nash
José and Michele Scheinkman
Richard Schmalensee, In memory of Robert M. Solow
Frank Schorfheide
Amy Serrano
Wan Shanle
Andrew Shelley
Mailing Shen
Christopher Sims**
Joel Sobel,** In memory of Halbert White
Nohik Song
Andrej Sarkar
Carolyn St. Aubyn
Ennio Stacchetti*
Robert W. Staiger
Lance Stifiel* **
Sami Stouli* **
Bruno Sultanum, In memory of Neil Wallace
Ning Sun
Chad Syverson
Adam Szeidl**
Guido Tabellini
Steven Tadlis,* ** *** In memory of Emmanuel Farhi
Masaki Takahashi
Francisco Tafur
Victoria Tapia
Allessandro Tarozzi** ***
Jianrong Tian
Darapheak Tin
Hiroki Toyoda
Francesco Trebbi,* In memory of the Kuyate Family
Daniel Trefler
Emmanuel Tsyawo
Stephen Turnovsky* **
Christopher Udry*
Harald Uhlig
Vanguard Charitable Fund Donor
Irina Vaslavskaya**
Gyorgy Venter
John Vickers*
Giovanni Violante
Maher Walker-Said*
Junzo Watada
Mark Watson**
Yoon-Jae Whang* ** ***
Jeffrey Wooldridge
Steven Williams,** *** In memory of Hugo Sonnenschein
Robert Wilson
Jeffrey Wooldridge
Keping Wu
Naoko Yamamoto
Ye Yang
Ali Yedan
Hobart Young***
Yang Yu
Thamer Zaidan**
Ludovico Zaraga
Alonso Zela
Yves Zenou* **
Tao Zha*
Yuejun Zhao
Lin Zhou***
Fabrizio Zilibotti*

*Donated to the Fund for African Scholars.
**Donated to multiple campaigns.
***Donated to the Fund for Young Scholars.
Note: Donor categories are cumulative