The Econometric Society Monograph Series

Edited by: Andrea Prat, Serena Ng

Aims and Scope

THE GOAL OF THE SERIES is to promote the publication of high-quality research works in the fields of Economic Theory, Econometrics, and Quantitative Economics more generally. Publications may range from more or less extensive accounts of the state of the art in a field to which the authors have made significant contributions, to shorter monographs representing important advances on more specific issues. In addition to the usual promotion by the Publisher (Cambridge University Press) in their advertising and displays at conferences, it also arranges for members of the Econometric Society to receive monographs at a special discount.

The publishing arrangement with Cambridge University Press specifies that the reviewing process and the decision to publish a monograph in the series rests solely in the hands of the Editors appointed by the Society, in the same way as for papers submitted to Econometrica. Our experience shows that this procedure generates quite valuable services to the authors. Referee reports are usually very professional, and contain detailed and specific suggestions on how to improve the manuscript. Such services, which are not normally offered by private publishing companies, are among the features that distinguish the Monograph Series of the Society from others.

Click here to view the current list of monographs in print or here to view the series online.