
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 23, Issue 2

Back Matter

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The Life Cycle in Income, Saving, and Asset Ownership

Harold Lydall
p. 131-150

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The Period of Production

J. D. Sargan
p. 151-165

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A Note on the Statistical Discrepancy in the National Accounts

Arthur J. Gartaganis, Arthur S. Goldberger
p. 166-173

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Upper Bounds, Secondary Constraints, and Block Triangularity in Linear Programming

George B. Dantzig
p. 174-183

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Recent Experiences with the Munich Business Test: An Expository Article

H. Theil
p. 184-192

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Causality and Econometrics: Comment

Herbert A. Simon
p. 193-195

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Causality and Econometrics: Reply

Herman O. A. Wold
p. 196-197

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Report of the Uppsala Meeting, August 2-4, 1954

Bent Hansen
p. 198-216

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Appointment of Co-Editor

p. 237-237

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Announcement of the Ann Arbor Meeting, August 29-September 2, 1955

p. 237-237

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Announcement of the New York Meeting, December 28-30, 1955

p. 237-237

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News Note

p. 237-237

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