
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 32, Issue 4

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Front Matter

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Call to Meeting: First World Congress of the Econometric Society

p. 475-475

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Demand and Supply Functions for Money in the United States: Some Structural Estimates

Ronald L. Teigen
p. 476-509

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Equilibrium among Spatially Separated Markets: A Reformulation

G. G. Judge, T. Takayama
p. 510-524

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A Note on the Simple Majority Decision Rule

Ken-ichi Inada
p. 525-531

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A Comparison of Alternative Estimators for Simultaneous Equations

Gregory C. Chow
p. 532-553

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Agriculture and the Secular Position of the U.S. Economy

G. S. Tolley, S. Smidt
p. 554-575

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On the Existence of an Optimal Plan in a Continuous-Time Allocation Process

Menahem E. Yaari
p. 576-590

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A Consistent Method of Estimating the Engel Curve from Grouped Survey Data

N. Sreenivasa Iyengar
p. 591-618

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A Model of Economic Growth in Rostovian Stages

S. C. Tsiang
p. 619-648

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Notes and Comments: Stability and Rationality of Extrapolative Expectations

Takashi Negishi
p. 649-651

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Notes and Comments: Spurious Correlation Due to Deflating Variables

Albert Madansky
p. 652-655

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Report of the Proceedings of the Third Indian Econometric Conference, March 29-30, 1963

p. 656-658

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Report of the Copenhagen Meeting, July 10-12, 1963

p. 659-668

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Report of the Cleveland Meeting, September 4-7, 1963

p. 669-687

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Report of the Boston Meeting, December 27-29, 1963

p. 688-707

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Election of Fellows

p. 722-725

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 725-728

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Announcement of the Chicago Meeting

p. 728-729

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Deceased Fellows

p. 728-728

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Accountants' Opinion

p. 729-729

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Treasurer's Report

p. 729-731

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Errata: Consumer Demand Explained by Measurable Utility Changes

G. S. Tolley, R. W. Gieseman
p. 732-732

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Errata: Forms of Engel Functions

C. E. V. Leser
p. 732-732

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 733-806

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p. 807-807

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Geographical List of Members

p. 808-825

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