
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 33, Issue 2

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Front Matter

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The French Plan and Economic Theory

Pierre Masse
p. 265-276

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New Evidence on Demand Elasticities

H. S. Houthakker
p. 277-288

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Housing and Ability to Pay

James N. Morgan
p. 289-306

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Optimal Strategy Decisions for Dynamic Linear Decision Rules in Feedback Form

C. van de Panne
p. 307-320

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An Optimal Policy for Economic Growth

Lionel G. Stoleru
p. 321-348

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The Homogeneity Postulate and the Laws of Comparative Statics in the Walrasian and Metzleric Systems

Robert A. Mundell
p. 349-356

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A Pilot Programming Model of New Zealand Economic Development

C. A. Blyth, G. A. Crothall
p. 357-381

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Joint Estimation of Relationships Involving Discrete Random Variables

Arnold Zellner, Tong Hun Lee
p. 382-394

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The Theory of Qualitative Linear Systems

Kelvin Lancaster
p. 395-408

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Near-Identifiability and the Variances of the Disturbance Terms

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 409-419

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Manufacturing Investment and Business Expectations: Extensions of de Leeuw's Results

Otto Eckstein
p. 420-424

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A Mathematical Note on Entry, Exit, and Oligopoly

Lester G. Telser
p. 425-433

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Notes and Comments: Note on the Unbiased Estimation of the Third Moment of the Residual in Regression Analysis

N. C. Kakwani
p. 434-436

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Notes and Comments: On the Desirability of Price Instability: An Extension of the Discussion

Albert Zucker
p. 437-441

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Dominant Diagonals in Stability Analysis

Josef Hadar
p. 442-444

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Notes and Comments: Choice of Units, Column Sums, and Stability in Linear Dynamic Systems with Nonnegative Square Matrices

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 445-450

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on A. Y. C. Koo's "An Empirical Test of Revealed Preference Theory"

A. R. Dobell
p. 451-455

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on A. Y. C. Koo's "An Empirical Test of Revealed Preference Theory": Reply

Anthony Y. C. Koo
p. 456-458

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Notes and Comments: On the Demand for Money

Ralph Turvey
p. 459-460

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Announcement of First World Congress of the Econometric Society

p. 474-474

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Errata: Optimal Savings in a Two-Sector Model of Growth

T. N. Srinivasan
p. 474-474

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News Notes

p. 475-475

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