
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 39, Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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A Note on Interdependence as a Specification Error

Jacques H. Dreze, Robert H. Strotz
p. 1009-1013

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The Existence of International Trade Equilibrium with Trade Tax-Subsidy Distortions

Kevin C. Sontheimer
p. 1015-1035

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Notes and Comments: A General Definition of the Lorenz Curve

Joseph L. Gastwirth
p. 1037-1039

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Notes and Comments: An Old-New Measure of Income Inequality

Yaakov Kondor
p. 1041-1042

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Distributed Lags with Rational Polynomial Generating Functions

John C. Hause
p. 1043-1047

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Notes and Comments: The Identification of Ratios of Parameters in Unidentified Equations

Jerry S. Kelly
p. 1049-1051

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Notes and Comments: Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies: Comments on Professor Clague

Ann D. Witte
p. 1053-1054

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Notes and Comments: Alternative Estimates of Capital-Labor Substitution in Manufacturing in Developing Economies: A Reply

Christopher K. Clague
p. 1055-1056

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1063-1064

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Note of Appreciation

Gerard Debreu
p. 1063-1063

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News Notes

p. 1064-1064

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 1065-1067

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Optimal Savings Policy When Labor Grows Endogenously

Eric G. Davis, Ryuzo Sato
p. 877-897

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The Use of Approximate Prior Distributions in a Bayesian Decision Model

Richard E. Kihlstrom
p. 899-910

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A Differential Game Model of Duopoly

G. Leitmann, H. Y. Wan, Jr., S. Clemhout
p. 911-938

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The Likelihood Approach to Pooling Cross-Section and Time-Series Data

G. S. Maddala
p. 939-953

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Optimum Growth and Allocation of Foreign Exchange

Pranab K. Bardhan
p. 955-971

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A Note on the Comparison of Ordinary and Two-Stage Least Squares Estimators

e-Min Wu, David H. Richardson
p. 973-981

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Optimal Air Quality Standards

Robert E. Kohn
p. 983-995

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Equilibrium Analysis of Exchange Economies with Indivisible Commodities

Egbert Dierker
p. 997-1008

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