
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 43, Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Notes and Comments: Minimax Regret Significance Points for a Preliminary Test in Regression Analysis: Comment

R. W. Farebrother
p. 1005-1006

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1007-1008

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 1007-1007

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Econometrica Publication Schedule

p. 1007-1007

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North American Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 1007-1007

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News Notes

p. 1008-1009

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Errata: Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies

Roger Guesnerie
p. 1010-1010

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 1010-1010

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 1010-1010

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Policy Related Voting and Electoral Equilibrium

Richard D. McKelvey
p. 815-844

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Degrees of Cardinality and Aggregate Partial Orderings

C. Blackorby
p. 845-852

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The Continuity of Majority Rule Equilibrium

A. T. Denzau, R. P. Parks
p. 853-866

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Bounded One-Way Expected Utility

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 867-876

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A Disaggregate Analysis of Consumer Choice under Uncertainty

L. Epstein
p. 877-892

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An Adaptive Learning Rule for Multiperiod Decision Problems

Elizabeth Chase MacRae
p. 893-906

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The Graph of the Walras Correspondence

Yves Balasko
p. 907-912

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Personal Attributes, Job Performance, and Probability of Promotion

David A. Wise
p. 913-932

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Note on a Large-Sample Result in Specification Analysis

T. Kloek
p. 933-936

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Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Singular Equation Systems with Autoregressive Disturbances

Ernst R. Berndt, N. Eugene Savin
p. 937-958

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The Power of the Durbin-Watson Test

John A. Tillman
p. 959-974

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Notes and Comments: Semiorders and Choice Functions

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 975-978

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Notes and Comments: Semiorders and the Theory of Choice: A Correction

Dean T. Jamison, Lawrence J. Lau
p. 979-980

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Notes and Comments: Existence of a Continuous Utility Function: An Elementary Proof

Jean-Yves Jaffray
p. 981-984

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Notes and Comments: A Third Remark on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy

Hal R. Varian
p. 985-986

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Notes and Comments: Price Ignorance and the Stability of Stock-Flow Equilibrium

Norman P. Obst
p. 987-996

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Notes and Comments: Optimal Savings Policy when Labor Grows Endogenously: A Critique

John S. Lane
p. 997-998

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Notes and Comments: The Most General Class of CES Functions

Ryuzo Sato
p. 999-1004

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