
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 45, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Notes and Comments: Spectral Utility Functions and the Design of a Stationary System

Roger J. Bowden
p. 1007-1012

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Notes and Comments: A Stochastic Optimal Control Technique for Models with Estimated Coefficients

Arthur Havenner, Roger Craine
p. 1013-1022

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Wallis' Bounds Test and Negative Autocorrelation

D. E. A. Giles, M. L. King
p. 1023-1026

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on the Test of Overidentifying Restrictions

Joseph B. Kadane, T. W. Anderson
p. 1027-1032

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Consumer's Surplus, the Divisia Index, and the Measurement of Welfare Changes

Neil Bruce
p. 1033-1038

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1039-1039

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News Notes

p. 1039-1040

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Erratum: An Econometric Evaluation of a Generalized Consumer Surplus Measure: The Mineral King Controversy

Anthony C. Fisher, Charles J. Cicchetti, V. Kerry Smith
p. 1041-1041

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Optimal Allocation of Public Goods: A Solution to the "Free Rider" Problem

John Ledyard, Theodore Groves
p. 783-810

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Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Pareto Optimum in Convex Programming

A. Ben-Israel, A. Ben-Tal, A. Charnes
p. 811-820

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Economic Environments for which there are Pareto Satisfactory Mechanisms

Kenneth Mount, Stanley Reiter
p. 821-842

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A Two-Person Exchange Model

King-Tak Lee
p. 843-852

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Maximin Paths of Heterogeneous Capital Accumulation and the Instability of Paradoxical Steady States

E. Burmeister, P. J. Hammond
p. 853-870

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Social Decision Functions and the Veto

Julian H. Blau, Rajat Deb
p. 871-880

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On Preferences, Beliefs, and Manipulation within Voting Situations

Jean-Marie Blin, Mark A. Satterthwaite
p. 881-888

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The Existence of Choice Functions

Anjan Mukherji
p. 889-894

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A Matrix Measure of Multivariate Local Risk Aversion

George T. Duncan
p. 895-904

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Linear Quadratic Control Theory for Models with Long Lags

Alfred Lorn Norman, Woo Sik Jung
p. 905-918

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Social Experimentation, Truncated Distributions, and Efficient Estimation

David A. Wise, Jerry A. Hausman
p. 919-938

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Some Properties of a Modification of the Limited Information Estimator

Wayne A. Fuller
p. 939-954

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The Maximum Likelihood and the Nonlinear Three-Stage Least Squares Estimator in the General Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation Model

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 955-968

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The Properties of Autoregressive Instrumental Variables Estimators in Dynamic Systems

David F. Hendry, Frank Srba
p. 969-990

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Notes and Comments: Singular Dynamic Leontief Systems

Ami Arbel, David G. Luenberger
p. 991-996

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Notes and Comments: Some Small Sample Evidence on the Distribution of Dynamic Simulation Forecasts

Peter Schmidt
p. 997-1006

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