
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 47, Issue 6

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The Impossibility of Bayesian Group Decision Making with Separate Aggregation of Beliefs and Values

Aanund Hylland, Richard Zeckhauser
p. 1321-1336

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Dominance Solvable Voting Schemes

Herve Moulin
p. 1337-1352

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Sequences of Games with Varying Opponents

R. W. Rosenthal
p. 1353-1366

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Synopses in the Theory of Choice

Alexander Van der Bellen, Murat R. Sertel
p. 1367-1390

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On Multivariate Risk Aversion

Edi Karni
p. 1391-1402

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Expectations and Money in a Dynamic Exchange Model

Milton Harris
p. 1403-1420

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The Ergodic Behavior of Stochastic Processes of Economic Equilibria

Lawrence E. Blume
p. 1421-1432

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Capital Accumulation on the Transition Path in a Monetary Optimizing Model

Stanley Fischer
p. 1433-1440

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The Estimation of Partial Adjustment Models with Rational Expectations

John Kennan
p. 1441-1456

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Expectational Consistency, Informational Lags, and the Formulation of Expectations in Continuous Time Models

Malcolm R. Gray, Stephen J. Turnovsky
p. 1457-1474

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Investors' Portfolio Behavior under Alternative Models of Long-Term Interest Rate Expectations: Unitary, Rational, or Autoregressive

Benjamin M. Friedman, V. Vance Roley
p. 1475-1498

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Estimating the Time Costs of Highway Congestion

Donald N. Dewees
p. 1499-1512

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Functional Forms, Estimation Techniques and the Distribution of Income

James B. McDonald, Michael R. Ransom
p. 1513-1526

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A Saddlepoint Approximation to the Distribution of the k-Class Estimator of a Coefficient in a Simultaneous System

A. Holly, P. C. B. Phillips
p. 1527-1548

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Notes and Comments: Saturation Locale et Concepts Primitifs de la Theorie du Consommateur

Edouard Wagneur
p. 1549-1554

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Notes and Comments: Un Modele Bayesien d'Affectation de Capitaux dans le Cas d'Aversion Decroissante pour le Risque

J. Voranger
p. 1555-1558

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Capital and Output Aggregation in a General Equilibrium Model of Production

Kazuo Sato
p. 1559-1564

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Notes and Comments: Nonregular Singular Dynamic Leontief Systems

Stephen L. Campbell
p. 1565-1568

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Notes and Comments: The Exhaustion and Depletion of Natural Resources

Tracy R. Lewis
p. 1569-1572

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1980 World Congress of the Econometric Society: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 1573-1577

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1577-1580

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Fall 1980 Econometric Society North American Meeting

p. 1577-1577

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Frisch Medal Award

p. 1577-1577

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News Notes

p. 1580-1582

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Program of the 1979 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Montreal, Canada, June 27-30, 1979

p. 1583-1588

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Erratum: A Convergence Theorem for Competitive Bidding with Differential Information

Paul R. Milgrom
p. 1589-1589

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