
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 54, Issue 4

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News Notes

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

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Patents as Options: Some Estimates of the Value of Holding European Patent Stocks

Ariel Pakes
p. 755-784

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Bargaining and Competition Part I: Characterization

Douglas Gale
p. 785-806

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Bargaining and Competition Part II: Existence

Douglas Gale
p. 807-818

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The General Basis of Arbitrator Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Conventional and Final-Offer Arbitration

Henry S. Farber, Max H. Bazerman
p. 819-844

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Learning Procedures and Convergence to Rationality

C. Fourgeaud, C. Gourieroux, J. Pradel
p. 845-868

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Instrumental-Variable Estimation of an Error-Components Model

Takeshi Amemiya, Thomas E. MaCurdy
p. 869-880

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The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 881-896

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Cake Eating, Chattering, and Jumps: Existence Results for Variational Problems

Paul Romer
p. 897-908

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Distribution of Power under Stochastic Social Choice Rules

Bezalel Peleg, Prasanta K. Pattanaik
p. 909-922

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Common Agency

B. Douglas Bernheim, Michael D. Whinston
p. 923-942

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A Theory of Exit in Duopoly

Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole
p. 943-960

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The Transmission of Data Noise into Policy Noise in U.S. Monetary Control

Agustin Maravall, David A. Pierce
p. 961-980

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Notes and Comments: On the Non-Transferable Utility Value: A Reply to Aumann

Alvin E. Roth
p. 981-984

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Notes and Comments: On the Non-Transferable Utility Value: Rejoinder

Robert J. Aumann
p. 985-990

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Notes and Comments: The Measurement and Decomposition of Multi-Dimensional Inequality

Esfandiar Maasoumi
p. 991-998

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1987 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society: Preliminary Announcement

p. 999-999

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1987 Far East Meetings of the Econometric Society: Preliminary Announcement

p. 999-999

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 999-1000

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