
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 76, Issue 5

Front Matter

p. i-ii

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Identification in Nonparametric Simultaneous Equations Models

Rosa L. Matzkin
p. 945-978

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Testing Models of Low‐Frequency Variability

Ulrich K. Müller, Mark W. Watson
p. 979-1016

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Limited Information and Advertising in the U.S. Personal Computer Industry

Michelle Sovinsky Goeree
p. 1017-1074

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Information and Efficiency in Tender Offers

Robert Marquez, Bilge Yılmaz
p. 1075-1101

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Semiparametric Power Envelopes for Tests of the Unit Root Hypothesis

Michael Jansson
p. 1103-1142

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Calibration Results for Non‐Expected Utility Theories

Zvi Safra, Uzi Segal
p. 1143-1166

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Subjective Beliefs and ex ante Trade

Luca Rigotti, Chris Shannon, Tomasz Strzalecki
p. 1167-1190

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Identification of Treatment Effects Using Control Functions in Models With Continuous, Endogenous Treatment and Heterogeneous Effects

J. P. Florens, J. J. Heckman, C. Meghir, E. Vytlacil
p. 1191-1206

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Comment on: Threshold Autoregressions With a Unit Root

Jean‐Yves Pitarakis
p. 1207-1217

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p. 1219-1222

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1223-1223

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Report of the President

p. 1225-1226

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Back Matter

p. iii-vi

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