
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 34

Issue 1

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Existence of Competitive Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Traders

Robert J. Aumann
p. 1-17

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An Econometric Model of the World Tin Economy, 1948-1961

Meghnad Desai
p. 105-134

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Rational Distributed Lag Functions

Dale W. Jorgenson
p. 135-149

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The Typical Spectral Shape of an Economic Variable

C. W. J. Granger
p. 150-161

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The Estimation of Marginal Product from a Cobb-Douglas Production Function

P. R. Fisk
p. 162-172

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Nonrecursive Models as Discrete Approximations to Systems of Stochastic Differential Equations

A. R. Bergstrom
p. 173-182

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A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 3, The Modern Theory

John S. Chipman
p. 18-76

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On a Useful Capital Growth Matrix

Hermann Enzer
p. 183-192

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The Price Elasticity of Liquor in the U.S. and a Simple Method of Determination

Julian L. Simon
p. 193-205

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A Note on the Dual Prices of Integer Programs

Alvin K. Klevorick, Roger E. Alcaly
p. 206-214

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Autocorrelation Between First Differences of Mid-Ranges

H. E. Daniels
p. 215-219

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The Concept of Capital in Professor Solow's Model

Nissan Liviatan
p. 220-224

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Notes and Comments: The h-Homogeneous Production Function with Constant Elasticity of Substitution: A Note

Jacob Paroush
p. 225-227

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Notes and Comments: Agglomeration Cost and the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Hans Jurgen Jaksch
p. 228-231

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Notes and Comments: The Use of the Pearsonian Approximation in Comparing Deflated and Undeflated Regression Estimates

Howard Kunreuther
p. 232-234

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Notes and Comments: Use of the Durbin-Watson Statistic in Inappropriate Situations

Kenneth F. Wallis, Marc Nerlove
p. 235-238

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Proposed Election of Fellows, 1966

p. 253-253

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Announcement of the 1966 European Meeting

p. 254-254

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The Stability of Truncated Solutions of Stochastic Linear Programming

J. K. Sengupta
p. 77-104

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Issue 2

News Note

p. 536-536

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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On a Class of Growth Models

Murray C. Kemp, Pham Chi Thanh
p. 257-282

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Specification Analysis in the Estimation of Parameters of a Simultaneous Equation Model with Autoregressive Residuals

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 283-306

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Decision and Horizon Rules for Stochastic Planning Problems: A Linear Example

Abraham Charnes, Jacques Dreze, Merton Miller
p. 307-330

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On Efficient Accumulation Paths in the Closed Production Model

Emmanuel M. Drandakis
p. 331-346

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Statistical vs. Structural Explanations of Understatement and Regressivity in "Rational" Expectations

Franco Modigliani, John Bossons
p. 347-353

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A Parametric Simplicial Formulation of Houthakker's Capacity Method

Andrew Whinston, C. van de Panne
p. 354-380

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Application of the General Linear Model to Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series

Richard C. Henshaw, Jr.
p. 381-395

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Turnpike Theorem in a Generalized Dynamic Input-Output System

Jinkichi Tsukui
p. 396-407

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Simultaneous Determination of Interest and Prices in Switzerland by a Two-Market Model for Money and Bonds

Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig, Jurg Niehans
p. 408-423

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Errors of Measurement and Least Squares Estimation in a Simple Recursive Model of Dynamic Equilibrium

Dennis J. Aigner
p. 424-432

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The Short-Run Flows of Nonfarm Residential Mortgage Credit

David S. Huang
p. 433-459

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A Simplex-Type Algorithm for Linear and Quadratic Programming--A Parametric Procedure

R. Jagannathan
p. 460-471

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Simultaneous Tests for Trend and Serial Correlations for Gaussian Markov Residuals

P. R. Krishnaiah, V. K. Murthy
p. 472-480

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Une Methode Graphique de Resolution de Certains Types de Programmes Lineaires de Grandes Dimensions

G. Matthys, J. Klatzmann
p. 481-490

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A Possibility Theorem on Majority Decisions

Amartya K. Sen
p. 491-499

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Notes and Comments: Additivity in Utility Theory with Denumerable Product Sets

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 500-503

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Notes and Comments: Consumer Aspects of Price Instability

Frederick V. Waugh
p. 504-508

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Announcement of the December, 1966 Meeting

p. 528-528

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Report of Elections, 1965

p. 528-529

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Travel Grant to San Francisco Meeting

p. 528-528

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Election of Fellows, 1965

p. 529-532

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 532-535

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Deceased Fellows

p. 535-536

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Errata: An Exact Method of Consumer Demand Analysis

I. F. Pearce
p. 536-536

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Errata: A Note on Separability in Demand Analysis

H. Uzawa, S. M. Goldman
p. 536-536

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Maximization by Quadratic Hill-Climbing

Hale F. Trotter, Richard E. Quandt, Stephen M. Goldfeld
p. 541-551

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Factor Analysis and Regression

John T. Scott, Jr.
p. 552-562

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Simplification of Economic Models

Walter D. Fisher
p. 563-584

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Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data in the Estimation of a Dynamic Model: The Demand for Natural Gas

Marc Nerlove, Pietro Balestra
p. 585-612

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A General Theory of Rational Behavior in Game Situations

John C. Harsanyi
p. 613-634

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Revealed Preference Theory

Marcel K. Richter
p. 635-645

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Testing Single-Equation Least Squares Regression Models for Autocorrelated Disturbances

Richard C. Henshaw, Jr.
p. 646-660

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A Complete System of Consumer Demand Equations for the Australian Economy Fitted by a Model of Additive Preferences

Alan Powell
p. 661-675

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Stock Market Prices and Volumes of Sales

Charles C. Ying
p. 676-685

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Factor Market Distortions and the Shape of the Transformation Curve

Harry G. Johnson
p. 686-698

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Household Production and Consumer Demand Functions

Richard F. Muth
p. 699-708

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Formal Structure of Majority Decision

Yasusuke Murakami
p. 709-718

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Notes and Comments: Comment on "The Distributed Lag Between Capital Appropriations and Expenditures"

Joel Popkin
p. 719-723

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Notes and Comments: The Stability of the Domar Model

W. van Rijckeghem
p. 724-726

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Notes and Comments: Computational Accuracy and Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Econometric Models

A. Zellner, H. Thornber
p. 727-729

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Announcement of the Annual North American Summer Meeting

p. 730-731

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Announcement of the Second Far Eastern Meeting

p. 730-730

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Announcement of the December, 1967, Meeting

p. 731-732

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News Notes

p. 732-732

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Oskar Ryszard Lange, 1904-1965

Walter D. Fisher
p. 733-738

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Invariance Axioms and Economic Indexes

Marcel K. Richter
p. 739-755

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International Trade Theory in a Vintage-Capital Model

P. K. Bardhan
p. 756-767

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Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market

Jan Mossin
p. 768-783

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Specification and Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Production Function Models

A. Zellner, J. Dreze, J. Kmenta
p. 784-795

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Multi-Item Production and Inventory Management Under Price Uncertainty

B. P. Banerjee, S. S. Sengupta
p. 796-804

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Quasi-Cores in a Monetary Economy with Nonconvex Preferences

L. S. Shapley, M. Shubik
p. 805-827

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Aggregate Koyck Functions

G. O. Bierwag, M. A. Grove
p. 828-832

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Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation: A Turnpike Theorem

David Cass
p. 833-850

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The Estimation of Nonlinear Econometric Systems

Harry Eisenpress, John Greenstadt
p. 851-861

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The Role of Macroeconomic Models in Short-Term Forecasting

C. E. V. Leser
p. 862-872

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Linear Probability Functions and Discriminant Functions

George W. Ladd
p. 873-885

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Notes and Comments: Optimal Paths of Capital Accumulation Under the Minimum Time Objective--A Comment

Peter A. Diamond
p. 886-887

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Notes and Comments: Estimation with Heteroscedastic Error Terms

R. E. Park
p. 888-888

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News Notes

p. 908-908

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Errata: Simultaneous Tests for Trend and Serial Correlations for Gaussian Markov Residuals

P. R. Krishnaiah, V. K. Murthy
p. 908-909

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Errata: The Short-Run Flows of Nonfarm Residential Mortgage Credit

David S. Huang
p. 909-909

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Program of First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965

p. 1-16

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Welfare Economics

p. 109-110

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Consumer Behavior

p. 110-111

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Production Functions

p. 111-113

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Money-I

p. 113-115

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Wages, Unemployment and Productivity

p. 115-117

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Growth Theory-I

p. 117-120

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Econometrics-International Applications

p. 120-122

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Recursive Programming Models

p. 122-123

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Economic Theory-I

p. 123-125

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Quantifying Production Economic Relations

p. 125-127

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Growth Theory-II

p. 127-129

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Market Structure

p. 129-130

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Monetary and Fiscal Multipliers

p. 131-132

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Econometric Methodology

p. 132-134

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Corporate Financial Behavior

p. 134-138

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Economic Theory-II

p. 138-139

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Econometric Models for Educational Planning

p. 139-140

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Money-II

p. 140-145

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Economic Theory-III

p. 145-147

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Macro-Economics

p. 147-149

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Econometric Applications-The Stock Market

p. 149-151

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Long Swings and Economic Growth

p. 151-153

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Investment Behavior

p. 153-155

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Foreign Trade

p. 155-156

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Treasurer's Report

p. 157-160

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Accountants' Opinion

Haskins & & Sells
p. 160-160

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List of Members of the Econometric Society

p. 161-254

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Optimal Growth Theory

p. 17-18

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Consumer Behavior

p. 18-19

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Regional Economics

p. 19-20

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Liquidity and Portfolio Policies

p. 20-22

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Time Series and Cross-Section Techniques

p. 22-23

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Fiscal Policy

p. 23-24

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Planning for Efficient Accumulation

p. 25-26

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Geographical List of Members

p. 255-284

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Economic History

p. 27-28

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Forecasting and Simulation

p. 27-27

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Agricultural Econometrics

p. 28-31

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Demand for Consumer Durables

p. 31-32

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Short-Term Econometric Models

p. 32-33

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Monetary Studies

p. 33-35

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Measurement of Productivity and Capacity

p. 35-37

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Contributed Papers on Development and Trade

p. 37-40

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Economics of Uncertainty

p. 41-43

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Long-Term Planning Models

p. 43-45

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Cycles and Growth

p. 45-46

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Systems

p. 46-48

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Welfare Economics of Particular Industries

p. 48-50

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Aggregation

p. 50-51

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Consumer Behavior I

p. 52-54

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Growth and International Trade

p. 54-55

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Theory of Programming in Economic Planning

p. 55-57

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Computer Simulation of Econometric Models

p. 57-58

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Investment and Technological Change

p. 58-60

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Irving Fisher Lecture

p. 60-61

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Input-Output Methods

p. 61-63

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Production Functions and Technical Change

p. 63-65

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Mathematical Programming and Applications

p. 65-67

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: International Comparison of Input-Output Matrices

p. 67-69

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Causes and Consequences of Technical Progress

p. 69-70

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Development of Backward Areas

p. 70-72

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Investment and Innovation

p. 73-75

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Theory of Capital and Economic Growth

p. 73-73

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Econometric Methods

p. 75-78

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Miscellaneous Contributed Papers

p. 78-81

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Probability

p. 81-83

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Consumer Behavior II

p. 83-85

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: General Equilibrium Theory

p. 85-87

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Distributed Lags

p. 87-88

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Patterns of Economic Growth

p. 89-90

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: International Trade

p. 90-91

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: Programming

p. 91-95

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First World Congress, Rome, September, 1965: General Equilibrium

p. 95-98

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North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: North American Regional Conference, New York, December, 1965: Program

p. 99-108

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