
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 35

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Robert Solow, President of the Econometric Society, 1964; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1963

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Objectives, Constraints, and Outcomes in Optimal Growth Models

Tjalling C. Koopmans
p. 1-15

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Preference Functions on Measure Spaces of Economic Agents

Gerard Debreu
p. 111-122

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Canonical Correlation and Multiple Equation Systems in Economics

E. J. Hannan
p. 123-138

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An Alternative Proof of Hannan's Theorem on Canonical Correlation and Multiple Equation Systems

D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri, Gregory C. Chow
p. 139-142

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The Optimal Volume of Foreign Trade and the Exchange Rate

Andras Nagy, Janos Stahl
p. 143-153

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Notes and Comments: Note on the CES Production Function

F. W. McElroy
p. 154-156

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Notes and Comments: On Hermann Enzer's Capital Growth Matrix

H. Neudecker
p. 157-158

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Distributed Lags: A Survey

Zvi Griliches
p. 16-49

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The Core of an N Person Game

Herbert E. Scarf
p. 50-69

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Forecast Evaluation Based on a Multiplicative Decomposition of Mean Square Errors

Henri Theil, Myron Scholes
p. 70-88

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On the Relative Small-Sample Properties of Several Structural-Equation Estimators

J. G. Cragg
p. 89-110

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Issue 2

[Photograph]: Michio Morishima, President of the Econometric Society, 1965; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1964

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Investment Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-1960

Dale W. Jorgenson, James A. Stephenson
p. 169-220

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Qualitative Economics and Morishima Matrices

Hamid Habibagahi, James Quirk, Lowell Bassett
p. 221-233

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An Infinite-Horizon Discrete-Time Quadratic Program as Applied to a Monopoly Problem

Lester G. Telser, Robert L. Graves
p. 234-272

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Control Systems with Jumps in the State Variables

Karl Vind
p. 273-277

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Long-Run Coefficients and Distributed Lag Analysis: A Reformulation

Yair Mundlak
p. 278-293

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Effective Control Through Coherent Decentralization with Preemptive Goals

A. Charnes, K. O. Kortanek, R. W. Clower
p. 294-320

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Short-Run Adjustments of an Individual Bank

Willard T. Carleton, William R. Bryan
p. 321-347

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A Model of Business Firm Growth

Herbert A. Simon, Yuji Ijiri
p. 348-355

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Intertemporal Utility Functions and the Long-Run Consumption Function

Earl A. Thompson
p. 356-361

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News Notes

p. 378-378

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Issue 3

[Photograph]: Herman Wold, President of the Econometric Society, 1966; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1965

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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An Experimental Study of Cooperative Duopoly

James W. Friedman
p. 379-397

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A Model of the United Kingdom's Monetary Sector

R. L. Crouch
p. 398-418

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Estimation of Returns to Scale and the Elasticity of Substitution

G. S. Maddala, J. B. Kadane
p. 419-423

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Utility Maximization and the Demand for New Zealand Meats

Robin H. Court
p. 424-446

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Error Produced by Linearization in Mathematical Programming

R. C. Bushnell, W. J. Baumol
p. 447-471

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A Test for the Product Life Cycle

Klaus Brockhoff
p. 472-484

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Additive von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Functions

Robert A. Pollak
p. 485-494

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Elimination of Management Bias from Production Functions Fitted to Cross-Section Data: A Model and an Application to African Agriculture

Benton F. Massell
p. 495-508

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A Comparative Study of Alternative Estimators in a Distributed Lag Model

Takeshi Amemiya, Wayne A. Fuller
p. 509-529

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A Continuous Leontief Production Model with Quadratic Objective Function

M. A. Hanson
p. 530-536

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Orderings

Peter Lorimer
p. 537-539

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Notes and Comments: Reply to "A Note on Orderings"

Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 540-541

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Notes and Comments: Computation of Expansion Rates for the Generalized von Neumann Model of an Expanding Economy

Gerald L. Thompson, Michael J. Hamburger, Roman L. Weil, Jr.
p. 542-547

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News Note

p. 565-565

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Issue 5

European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Investment Strategies in Long Range Planning

p. 37-42

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Problems of Optimal Planning

p. 42-45

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Prognostication Schemes for Planning

p. 45-48

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Models of Growth

p. 48-50

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Problems of Definition and Measurement

p. 50-53

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Problems of Planning II

p. 53-58

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Econometrics and Statistical Problems

p. 58-62

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Economic Theory 1

p. 6-7

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Economic Systems

p. 62-68

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Contributed Papers

p. 68-72

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Planning and Programming

p. 68-68

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Statistical Problems 1

p. 7-7

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Program

p. 73-74

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Invited Lecture

p. 75-75

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Methodological Papers

p. 75-77

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Input-Output, Programming and Planning Models

p. 77-79

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Invited Lecturer

p. 79-79

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Economic Growth 1

p. 8-8

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Rational Choice

p. 8-9

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Consumer Behavior

p. 80-82

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Sixth Indian Econometric Conference, Calcutta, December 1966: Miscellaneous Topics

p. 82-85

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Program

p. 86-98

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Economic Theory II

p. 9-9

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Market Structures

p. 9-9

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Dynamic Equilibrium

p. 99-101

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Program of First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966

p. 1-5

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Econometric Studies

p. 10-11

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Economic Theory III

p. 10-10

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Economic Development (Econometric)

p. 101-104

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Health, Education, and Welfare

p. 104-105

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometric Method I from Cybernetics

p. 105-107

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Economic Theory I

p. 107-109

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Programming

p. 109-111

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: General Equilibrium Theory

p. 11-11

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Resource Allocation

p. 11-11

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometric Studies I

p. 111-117

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Theory of Innovations and Technical Change

p. 117-119

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Economic Development and Growth

p. 119-119

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: The Agricultural Sector in Developed and Underdeveloped Economies (Joint with American Farm Economic Association)

p. 119-123

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Walras-Bowley Lecture

p. 119-119

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Economic Growth III

p. 12-13

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First Far Eastern Meeting, Tokyo, June, 1966: Statistical Problems II

p. 12-12

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometrics of the Firm

p. 123-126

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Distributed Lags

p. 126-129

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Estimation of Production Functions

p. 129-131

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Foreign Visitors Papers

p. 129-129

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Money (Econometric)

p. 131-132

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Economic Development (Theory)

p. 132-133

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometric Studies II

p. 134-141

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: European Meeting, Warsaw, September 1966: Program

p. 14-18

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Growth Theory

p. 141-143

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Labor and Employment

p. 143-146

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Miscellaneous Papers

p. 146-146

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: The Brookings Model

p. 146-147

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometric Models

p. 147-150

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Monetary and Fiscal Theory

p. 150-152

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Theory of Production

p. 152-154

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Econometric Method II

p. 154-156

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Capital Budgeting and Portfolio Analysis

p. 156-157

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Economic Theory II

p. 157-160

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North American Regional Conference, San Francisco, December 1966: Simulation and Gaming

p. 160-162

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Election of Fellows, 1966

p. 163-167

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Index of Authors

p. 168-170

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Econometric Methodology

p. 19-24

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Uncertainty and Technical Change

p. 24-30

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: Problems of Planning 1

p. 30-32

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European Meeting, Warsaw, September, 1966: The Irving Fisher Lecture: Education and Labour Models

p. 32-37

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