
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 42

Issue 1

[Photograph]: Roy Radner, President of the Econometric Society, 1973; First Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1972; Second Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1971

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Equilibrium in a Finite Sequence of Markets with Transaction Cost

Mordecai Kurz
p. 1-20

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Information-Improvement Functions

Bhu Dev Sharma, Ram Autar
p. 103-112

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Estimation and Prediction from Aggregate Data when Aggregates are Measured More Accurately than Their Components

D. J. Aigner, S. M. Goldfeld
p. 113-134

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Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation

Robert F. Engle
p. 135-146

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Quality, Commodity Hierarchies, and Housing Markets

James L. Sweeney
p. 147-168

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The Validity of Nagar's Expansion for the Moments of Econometric Estimators

J. D. Sargan
p. 169-176

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Methods of Estimation for Markets in Disequilibrium: A Further Study

Harry H. Kelejian, Ray C. Fair
p. 177-190

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Large Sample Theory of Some Measures of Income Inequality

Joseph L. Gastwirth
p. 191-196

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Notes and Comments: Negative Quasi-Definiteness and the Global Stability of General Equilibrium

Roger H. Gordon
p. 197-198

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Notes and Comments: The Existence of Optimal Price Vectors in the General Balanced-Growth Model of Gale

A. L. Soyster
p. 199-206

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Notes and Comments: On the Form of Market Demand Functions

J. Case
p. 207-210

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The Stability of Edgeworth's Recontracting Process

Jerry R. Green
p. 21-34

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Theil's Test for Linearity of Regression

Myles Hollander
p. 211-214

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 215-215

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News Notes

p. 215-216

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 217-218

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Bibliographical Note

J. Koerts, R. Teekens
p. 219-219

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Erratum: Theory of Consumer Behavior when Prices Enter the Utility Function

Peter J. Kalman
p. 219-219

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Recontracting Stability

Allan M. Feldman
p. 35-44

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The Price of Money in a Pure Exchange Monetary Economy with Taxation

Ross M. Starr
p. 45-54

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A Metric Structure Derived from Subjective Judgments: Scaling Under Perfect and Imperfect Discrimination

Robert Bartoszynski
p. 55-72

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The Estimation of Income and Substitution Effects in a Model of Family Labor Supply

James Heckman, Orley Ashenfelter
p. 73-86

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Some Empirical Evidence on the Decreasing Scale Elasticity

Vidar Ringstad
p. 87-102

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Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Non-Cooperative Equilibria in Time-Dependent Supergames

James W. Friedman
p. 221-238

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Voting Anomalies, the Number of Voters, and the Number of Alternatives

Jerry S. Kelly
p. 239-252

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Optimal Consumption with a Stochastic Income Stream

Bruce L. Miller
p. 253-266

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Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Horizons

Hubert Halkin
p. 267-272

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Horizon in a Simple Model of Economic Growth

Emmett Keeler
p. 273-278

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Dynamic Oligopoly with Inventories

Alan P. Kirman, Matthew J. Sobel
p. 279-288

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Product Durability under Monopoly and Competition

Morton I. Kamien, Nancy L. Schwartz
p. 289-302

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The Asymptotic Distribution of Forecasts in the Dynamic Simulation of an Econometric Model

Peter Schmidt
p. 303-310

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A Comparison of Some Limited Information Estimators for Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models with Autocorrelated Errors

D. Cummins, Phoebus J. Dhrymes, R. Berner
p. 311-332

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Bounds on the Variance of Regression Coefficients Due to Heteroscedastic or Autoregressive Errors

H. D. Vinod, S. T. Sathe
p. 333-340

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The Analysis of Consumer Demand in the United Kingdom, 1900-1970

Angus S. Deaton
p. 341-368

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Application of Random Coefficient Regression Models to the Aggregation Problem

K. R. Akkina
p. 369-376

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Education and the Decision to Migrate: An Econometric Analysis of Migration in Venezuela

Mildred B. Levy, Walter J. Wadycki
p. 377-388

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Pooling as a Specification Error--A Note

Meghnad Desai
p. 389-391

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 392-392

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Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Towards an Economic Theory of Replacement Investment

Martin S. Feldstein, Michael Rothschild
p. 393-424

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An Axiomatic Characterization of the Price Mechanism

Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 425-434

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Price Distortion and Potential Welfare

Kunio Kawamata
p. 435-460

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Power, the Economic Environment, and Social Choice

Rubin Saposnik
p. 461-470

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The Hahn Process with Firms but No Production

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 471-486

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Recursively Decentralized Decision Making

Charles Blackorby, Daniel Primont, David Nissen, R. Robert Russell
p. 487-496

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Intertemporal Consumer Theory and the Demand for Durables

W. E. Diewert
p. 497-516

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Random Parameters in a Simultaneous Equation Framework: Identification and Estimation

H. H. Kelejian
p. 517-528

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Alternative Tests of Independence between Stochastic Regressors and Disturbances: Finite Sample Results

e-Min Wu
p. 529-546

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Three Stage Least Squares and Some Extensions where the Structural Disturbance Covariance Matrix May Be Singular

R. H. Court
p. 547-558

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Stochastic Specification in an Aggregate Demand Model of the United Kingdom

David F. Hendry
p. 559-578

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A General Procedure for Obtaining Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Generalized Regression Models

J. Kmenta, W. Oberhofer
p. 579-590

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Notes and Comments: The Algebraic Equivalence of the Oberhofer-Kmenta and Theil-Boot Formulae for the Asymptotic Variance of a Characteristic Root of a Dynamic Econometric Model

Peter Schmidt
p. 591-592

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Notes and Comments: Saddlepoint in Homogeneous Programming without Slater Condition

Paul V. Moeseke
p. 593-596

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Efficient Estimation of the New Measures of Income Inequality

N. C. Kakwani
p. 597-600

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Notes and Comments: Use of the Chow Test under Heteroscedasticity

Toshihisa Toyoda
p. 601-608

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 609-609

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News Note

p. 609-609

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Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Marx in the Light of Modern Economic Theory

Michio Morishima
p. 611-632

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Some Remarks on the Core of a "Large" Economy

M. Ali Khan
p. 633-642

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The Topology of Pareto-Optimal Regions with Public Goods

Milton C. Weinstein, Richard J. Zeckhauser
p. 643-666

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The Capacity of the Smithies Model to Explain the Growth Trend by Endogenous Forces

Joachim Dorfner, Jurgen Kromphardt
p. 667-678

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Shadow Prices, Market Wages, and Labor Supply

James Heckman
p. 679-694

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Impossibility Theorems without the Social Completeness Axiom

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 695-704

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Equilibrium and Stability

M. G. Allingham
p. 705-716

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An Experimental Study of Structural Estimators and Test Statistics Associated with Dynamical Econometric Models

D. H. Richardson, R. J. Rohr, R. L. Basmann
p. 717-730

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Identifiability in Linear Models

J. Richmond
p. 731-736

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Asymptotic Minimum-MSE Prediction in the Cobb-Douglas Model with a Multiplicative Disturbance Term

Dennis J. Aigner
p. 737-748

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The Exact Mean of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator of the Structural Parameters in an Equation Having Three Endogenous Variables

A. L. Nagar, Aman Ullah
p. 749-758

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Notes and Comments: A Note on a Fair and Jaffee Model

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 759-762

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Notes and Comments: Some Small Sample Properties of Durbin's Tests for Serial Correlation in Regression Models Containing Lagged Dependent Variables

James L. Kenkel
p. 763-770

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Computer Algorithm: A Comment on Syminv: An Algorithm for the Inversion of a Positive Definite Matrix by the Cholesky Decomposition

J. Stewart
p. 771-771

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Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Factor Substitution and Durability of Capital in a Two-Sector Putty-Clay Model

Hideyuki Adachi
p. 773-802

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The Estimation of Some Continuous Time Models

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 803-823

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Finite Sample Distributions Associated with Stochastic Difference Equations--Some Experimental Evidence

D. H. Richardson, R. J. Rohr, R. L. Basmann
p. 825-839

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Some Small Sample Evidence on Tests of Significance in Simultaneous Equations Models

G. S. Maddala
p. 841-851

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Testing a Subset of the Overidentifying Restrictions

Joseph B. Kadane
p. 853-867

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Testing Structural Specification Using the Unrestricted Reduced Form

R. P. Byron
p. 869-883

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Learning the Optimal Strategy in a Zero-Sum Game

Vincent P. Crawford
p. 885-891

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Some Generalizations of Social Decisions under Majority Rule

Richard E. Wendell, Stuart J. Thorson
p. 893-912

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The Nontransitive Consumer

Wayne J. Shafer
p. 913-919

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On the Uniqueness of Competitive Equilibrium: Part II, Bounded Demand

I. F. Pearce, J. Wise
p. 921-932

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Note sur le Noyau d'une Economie avec Production

Paul Champsaur
p. 933-946

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Measurement of Conjectural Variations in Oligopoly

Gyoichi Iwata
p. 947-966

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 967-967

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News Notes

p. 967-968

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 969-970

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 969-969

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Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Maximum Likelihood Methods for Models of Markets in Disequilibrium

Forrest D. Nelson, G. S. Maddala
p. 1013-1030

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Some Time and Frequency Domain Distributed Lag Estimators: A Comparative Monte Carlo Study

Robert A. Meyer, Thomas F. Cargill
p. 1031-1044

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Voter Antagonism and the Paradox of Voting

Hiroaki Nagatani, Kiyoshi Kuga
p. 1045-1068

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A Test of the "No Trade Off in the Long Run" Hypothesis

Alex Cukierman
p. 1069-1080

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Short-Run Equilibrium and Stability in the Two-Sector Growth Model

Miltiades Chacholiades
p. 1081-1092

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Money and the Decentralization of Exchange

Joseph M. Ostroy, Ross M. Starr
p. 1093-1114

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A Convenient Descriptive Model of Income Distribution: The Gamma Density

A. B. Z. Salem, T. D. Mount
p. 1115-1128

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Preference Aggregation

H. P. Young
p. 1129-1132

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Notes and Comments: A General Formulation of the Lechatelier-Samuelson Principle: A Comment

Donald Watson
p. 1133-1134

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1135-1135

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Errors in Variables and Other Unobservables

Zvi Griliches
p. 971-998

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Multivariate Regression and Simultaneous Equation Models when the Dependent Variables Are Truncated Normal

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 999-1012

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