
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 78

Issue 1

Front Matter

p. i-ii

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State Capacity, Conflict, and Development

Timothy Besley, Torsten Persson
p. 1-34

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What Drives Media Slant? Evidence From U.S. Daily Newspapers

Matthew Gentzkow, Jesse M. Shapiro
p. 35-71

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Large Risks, Limited Liability, and Dynamic Moral Hazard

Bruno Biais, Thomas Mariotti, Jean‐Charles Rochet, Stéphane Villeneuve
p. 73-118

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Inference for Parameters Defined by Moment Inequalities Using Generalized Moment Selection

Donald W. K. Andrews, Gustavo Soares
p. 119-157

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Binary Response Models for Panel Data: Identification and Information

Gary Chamberlain
p. 159-168

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Inference for the Identified Set in Partially Identified Econometric Models

Joseph P. Romano, Azeem M. Shaikh
p. 169-211

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A Model of Delegated Project Choice

Mark Armstrong, John Vickers
p. 213-244

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Insider Trading With a Random Deadline

René Caldentey, Ennio Stacchetti
p. 245-283

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Mediated Partnerships

David Rahman, Ichiro Obara
p. 285-308

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Recursive Equilibrium in Stochastic Overlapping‐Generations Economies

Alessandro Citanna, Paolo Siconolfi
p. 309-347

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Multiple Temptations

John E. Stovall
p. 349-376

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Evaluating Marginal Policy Changes and the Average Effect of Treatment for Individuals at the Margin

Pedro Carneiro, James J. Heckman, Edward Vytlacil
p. 377-394

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Copulas and Temporal Dependence

Brendan K. Beare
p. 395-410

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p. 411-411

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 413-413

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Report of the Secretary

p. 415-423

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Report of the Treasurer

p. 425-431

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Report of the Editors 2008–2009

p. 433-436

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Econometrica referees 2008–2009

p. 437-445

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Report of the Editors of the Monograph Series

p. 447-449

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 451-451

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Back Matter

p. iii-vi

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Issue 2

Front Matter

p. i-ii

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Learning‐by‐Doing, Organizational Forgetting, and Industry Dynamics

David Besanko, Ulrich Doraszelski, Yaroslav Kryukov, Mark Satterthwaite
p. 453-508

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An Equilibrium Theory of Learning, Search, and Wages

Francisco M. Gonzalez, Shouyong Shi
p. 509-537

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Sorting and Decentralized Price Competition

Jan Eeckhout, Philipp Kircher
p. 539-574

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Instrumental Variable Models for Discrete Outcomes

Andrew Chesher
p. 575-601

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Solving the Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle With Financial Frictions

Yan Bai, Jing Zhang
p. 603-632

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Axioms for Deferred Acceptance

Fuhito Kojima, Mihai Manea
p. 633-653

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Framing Contingencies

David S. Ahn, Haluk Ergin
p. 655-695

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Constructing Optimal Instruments by First‐Stage Prediction Averaging

Guido Kuersteiner, Ryo Okui
p. 697-718

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A Dynamic Model for Binary Panel Data With Unobserved Heterogeneity Admitting a √‐Consistent Conditional Estimator

Francesco Bartolucci, Valentina Nigro
p. 719-733

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Bootstrap Inference in Partially Identified Models Defined by Moment Inequalities: Coverage of the Identified Set

Federico A. Bugni
p. 735-753

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Objective and Subjective Rationality in a Multiple Prior Model

Itzhak Gilboa, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, David Schmeidler
p. 755-770

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The Dynamic Pivot Mechanism

Dirk Bergemann, Juuso Välimäki
p. 771-789

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Mechanism Games With Multiple Principals and Three or More Agents

Takuro Yamashita
p. 791-801

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Solving, Estimating, and Selecting Nonlinear Dynamic Models Without the Curse of Dimensionality

Viktor Winschel, Markus Krätzig
p. 803-821

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Strongly Consistent Self‐Confirming Equilibrium

Yuichiro Kamada
p. 823-832

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Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games: A Comment

Martin Pesendorfer, Philipp Schmidt‐Dengler
p. 833-842

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p. 843-844

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 845-845

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Back Matter

p. iii-vi

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Issue 3

Front Matter

p. i-ii

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The Role of Information in Repeated Games With Frequent Actions

Yuliy Sannikov, Andrzej Skrzypacz
p. 847-882

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Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation

Flavio Cunha, James J. Heckman, Susanne M. Schennach
p. 883-931

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Learning While Voting: Determinants of Collective Experimentation

Bruno Strulovici
p. 933-971

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Fear of Miscoordination and the Robustness of Cooperation in Dynamic Global Games With Exit

Sylvain Chassang
p. 973-1006

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Signal Orderings Based on Dispersion and the Supply of Private Information in Auctions

Juan‐José Ganuza, José S. Penalva
p. 1007-1030

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Optimal Mandates and the Welfare Cost of Asymmetric Information: Evidence From the U.K. Annuity Market

Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, Paul Schrimpf
p. 1031-1092

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Quantile and Probability Curves Without Crossing

Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández‐Val, Alfred Galichon
p. 1093-1125

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Existence and Uniqueness of a Fixed Point for Local Contractions

V. Filipe Martins‐da‐Rocha, Yiannis Vailakis
p. 1127-1141

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Does Experience Teach? Professionals and Minimax Play in the Lab

John Wooders
p. 1143-1154

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Corrigendum to “Games With Imperfectly Observable Actions in Continuous Time”

Tadashi Hashimoto
p. 1155-1159

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p. 1161-1162

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1163-1163

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2009 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 1165-1172

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Back Matter

p. iii-vi

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Issue 4

Front Matter

p. i-ii

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Noncontractible Heterogeneity in Directed Search

Michael Peters
p. 1173-1200

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Incentive Problems With Unidimensional Hidden Characteristics: A Unified Approach

Martin F. Hellwig
p. 1201-1237

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Inequality and Unemployment in a Global Economy

Elhanan Helpman, Oleg Itskhoki, Stephen Redding
p. 1239-1283

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A Unique Costly Contemplation Representation

Haluk Ergin, Todd Sarver
p. 1285-1339

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Foundations of Intrinsic Habit Formation

Kareen Rozen
p. 1341-1373

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Risk and Rationality: Uncovering Heterogeneity in Probability Distortion

Adrian Bruhin, Helga Fehr‐Duda, Thomas Epper
p. 1375-1412

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What Happens in the Field Stays in the Field: Exploring Whether Professionals Play Minimax in Laboratory Experiments

Steven D. Levitt, John A. List, David H. Reiley
p. 1413-1434

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Can Relaxation of Beliefs Rationalize the Winner's Curse?: An Experimental Study

Asen Ivanov, Dan Levin, Muriel Niederle
p. 1435-1452

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p. 1453-1454

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1455-1455

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 1457-1487

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Submission of Manuscripts to the Econometric Society Monograph Series

p. 1489-1489

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Back Matter

p. iii-vi

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Issue 5

Front Matter

p. i-iii

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Last‐In First‐Out Oligopoly Dynamics

Jaap H. Abbring, Jeffrey R. Campbell
p. 1491-1527

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Identification and Estimation of a Discrete Game of Complete Information

Patrick Bajari, Han Hong, Stephen P. Ryan
p. 1529-1568

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Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Nonadditive Hedonic Models

James J. Heckman, Rosa L. Matzkin, Lars Nesheim
p. 1569-1591

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The Coalitional Nash Bargaining Solution

Olivier Compte, Philippe Jehiel
p. 1593-1623

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Asymptotic Equivalence of Probabilistic Serial and Random Priority Mechanisms

Yeon‐Koo Che, Fuhito Kojima
p. 1625-1672

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Repeated Games Where the Payoffs and Monitoring Structure Are Unknown

Drew Fudenberg, Yuichi Yamamoto
p. 1673-1710

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An Axiomatization of the Serial Cost‐Sharing Method

Yves Sprumont
p. 1711-1748

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Monotonicity and Implementability

Itai Ashlagi, Mark Braverman, Avinatan Hassidim, Dov Monderer
p. 1749-1772

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Corrigendum to “Uniform Inference in Autoregressive Models”

Anna Mikusheva
p. 1773-1773

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p. 1775-1775

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 1777-1777

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The Econometric Society 2009 Annual Report of the President

p. 1779-1781

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Back Matter

p. iv-vii

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Issue 6

Frontmatter of Econometrica Vol. 78 Iss. 6

p. i-v

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Alternative Models for Moment Inequalities

A. Pakes
p. 1783-1822

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Adverse Selection in Competitive Search Equilibrium

Veronica Guerrieri, Robert Shimer, Randall Wright
p. 1823-1862

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The Persistent Effects of Peru's Mining

Melissa Dell
p. 1863-1903

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Bayesian and Dominant‐Strategy Implementation in the Independent Private‐Values Model

Alejandro M. Manelli, Daniel R. Vincent
p. 1905-1938

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Generalized Utilitarianism and Harsanyi's Impartial Observer Theorem

Simon Grant, Atsushi Kajii, Ben Polak, Zvi Safra
p. 1939-1971

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Preferences for One‐Shot Resolution of Uncertainty and Allais‐Type Behavior

David Dillenberger
p. 1973-2004

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Reconsidering the Effect of Market Experience on the “Endowment Effect”

Dirk Engelmann, Guillaume Hollard
p. 2005-2019

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Irregular Identification, Support Conditions, and Inverse Weight Estimation

Shakeeb Khan, Elie Tamer
p. 2021-2042

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Testing for Causal Effects in a Generalized Regression Model With Endogenous Regressors

Jason Abrevaya, Jerry A. Hausman, Shakeeb Khan
p. 2043-2061

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Temptation and Taxation

Per Krusell, Burhanettin Kuruşçu, Anthony A. Smith
p. 2063-2084

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A Paradox for the “Smooth Ambiguity” Model of Preference

Larry G. Epstein
p. 2085-2099

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p. 2101-2101

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Forthcoming Papers

p. 2103-2103

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Backmatter of Econometrica Vol. 78 Iss. 6

p. vi-ix

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