
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 6, Issue 2

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Front Matter

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The Demand for Passenger Cars in the United States

P. de Wolff
p. 113-129

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Intercommodity Relationships in Stable Demand

E. E. Lewis
p. 130-142

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On the Significance of Professor Douglas' Production Function

Horst Mendershausen
p. 143-153

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The Maximization of Utility Over Time

Gerhard Tintner
p. 154-158

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The Influence of Distributed Lags on Kalecki's Theory of the Trade Cycle

M. H. Belz, R. W. James
p. 159-162

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Erratum: On a Mixed Difference and Differential Equation

M. H. Belz, R. W. James
p. 162-162

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On the Theory of Capital: A Rejoinder to Professor Knight

Nicholas Kaldor
p. 163-176

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On the Mathematical Hypotheses Underlying Carl Snyder's Trade-Credit-Ratio Theorem

Edward V. Huntington
p. 177-179

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Report of the Atlantic City and Indianapolis Meetings, December 27-30, 1937

Dickson H. Leavens
p. 180-192

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Announcement of the Cracow Meeting, September 19-23, 1938

Wladyslaw Zawadzki
p. 192-192

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The Determinants of Distribution of the National Income

M. Kalecki
p. 97-112

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