
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 18, Issue 1

Back Matter

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Volume Information

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The Notion of Involuntary Economic Decisions

Trygve Haavelmo
p. 1-8

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Announcement of Los Angeles Meeting, June, 1950

p. 100-100

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Meetings of the Society in 1950

p. 100-100

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Criticism Invited

Andrew Pikler
p. 101-101

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Editor's Note

p. 101-101

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The Consistency of the Classical Theory of Money and Prices

Wassily Leontief
p. 21-24

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A Note on Patinkin's "Relative Prices"

Cecil G. Phipps
p. 25-26

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An Application of Least Squares to Family Diet Surveys

M. H. Quenouille
p. 27-44

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The Theory of Demand Applied to the French Gas Industry

Michael J. Verhulst
p. 45-55

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A Note on the Pure Theory of Production

Kenneth May
p. 56-59

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Homogeneous Systems in Mathematical Economics: A Comment

Kenneth J. Arrow
p. 60-62

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A Note on Tintner's "Homogeneous Systems"

Cecil G. Phipps
p. 63-63

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Compte-Rendu du Congres de Colmar, 12-14 Septembre 1949

p. 64-87

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Consultation Activities with the United Nations

p. 88-89

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Report of the Council for 1949

William B. Simpson
p. 89-89

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The Determinacy of Absolute Prices in Classical Economic Theory

W. Braddock Hickman
p. 9-20

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 90-92

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Notice of Changes in Dues and Subscription Rates

p. 92-92

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Election of Fellows, 1949

p. 93-97

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Proposed Election of Fellows

p. 97-97

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 98-99

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