
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 21, Issue 1

[Photograph]: Alfred Cowles, Secretary of the Econometric Society, 1937-1948, 1953- ; Treasurer of the Econometric Society, 1932-

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Front Matter

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La Societe d'Econometrie a Atteint sa Majorite

F. Divisia
p. 1-30

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On Games that Involve Chance and the Skill of the Players

Emile Borel
p. 101-115

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On Systems of Linear Forms of Skew Symmetric Determinant and the General Theory of Play

Emile Borel
p. 116-117

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Commentary on the Three Notes of Emile Borel

Maurice Frechet
p. 118-124

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Communication on the Borel Notes

J. von Neumann, M. Frechet
p. 124-127

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Two-Person Cooperative Games

John F. Nash, Jr.
p. 128-140

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A Comparison of Treatments of a Duopoly Situation

J. F. Nash, J. P. Mayberry, M. Shubik
p. 141-154

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Marginal Productivity Analysis--A Defect and a Remedy

John S. Henderson
p. 155-168

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Guaranteed Growth of Income

Robert Eisner
p. 169-171

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A Note on the Complete Independence of the Conditions for Simple Majority Decision

Kenneth O. May
p. 172-173

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Report of the Eugene Meeting, June 19-21, 1952

p. 174-183

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Report of the Cambridge Meeting, August 13-15, 1952

p. 184-199

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How to Increase the Efficiency of Econometric Meetings

J. Tinbergen
p. 216-216

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Criticism Invited

Alfred Brauer, W. Beckerman, William J. Baumol
p. 217-220

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Report of the Council for 1952

Alfred Cowles
p. 221-221

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 222-224

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Election of Fellows, 1952

p. 225-228

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 228-230

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Assistantships in Econometrics

p. 231-231

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Change in Editors and Editorial Offices

p. 231-231

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The Definition of Econometrics

Gerhard Tintner
p. 31-40

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Some Recent Uses of Elasticity of Substitution--A Survey

Irving Morrissett
p. 41-62

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Community Preference Fields

W. M. Gorman
p. 63-80

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Alternative Conditions for Social Orderings

Clifford Hildreth
p. 81-94

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Emile Borel, Initiator of the Theory of Psychological Games and Its Application

Maurice Frechet
p. 95-96

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The Theory of Play and Integral Equations with Skew Symmetric Kernels

Emile Borel
p. 97-100

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