
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 23, Issue 1

[Photograph]: Jacob Marschak, President of the Econometric Society, 1946; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1944-1945

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Back Matter

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Volume Information

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The Relation of Consumption to Wealth and the Wage Rate

William Hamburger
p. 1-17

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Announcement of Kiel Meeting, September 1-3, 1955

p. 116-116

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Change in Location and Administration of the Econometric Society

p. 116-116

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Meetings of the Society in 1955

p. 116-116

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Proposed Election of Fellows, 1955

p. 116-117

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Deaths of Members

p. 117-117

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Report of the Council for 1954

Rosson L. Cardwell
p. 117-118

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Election of Fellows, 1954

p. 119-121

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 121-123

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Treasurer's Report

Alfred Cowles
p. 124-126

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Constitution of the Econometric Society

p. 126-127

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News Notes

p. 128-129

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Erratum: The Effect of Structural Matrix Errors on Interindustry Relations Estimates

W. Duane Evans
p. 129-129

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A Short Cut to Linear Programming

Frederick V. Waugh, Glenn L. Burrows
p. 18-29

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Bank Stocks and the Analysis of Covariance

David Durand
p. 30-45

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Production Planning Over Time and the Nature of the Expectation and Planning Horizon

Franco Modigliani, Franz E. Hohn
p. 46-66

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A Modification of the Variate-Difference Method

D. Sarkar, R. G. Laha
p. 67-72

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Bottleneck Problems, Functional Equations, and Dynamic Programming

Richard Bellman
p. 73-87

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Economic Implications of Some Cotton Fertilizer Experiments

Clifford Hildreth
p. 88-98

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Report of the Pasadena Meeting, June 18-19, 1954

p. 99-102

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