
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 28, Issue 3

[Photograph]: Marcel Boiteux, President of the Econometric Society, 1959; Vice-President of the Econometric Society, 1958

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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An Automatic Method of Solving Discrete Programming Problems

A. G. Doig, A. H. Land
p. 497-520

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Integer Programming and Pricing

Ralph E. Gomory, William J. Baumol
p. 521-550

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A Statistical Model of the Gross Analysis of Transaction Flows

I. Richard Savage, Karl W. Deutsch
p. 551-572

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A Monte Carlo Study of Alternative Simultaneous Equation Estimators

A. L. Nagar
p. 573-590

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Tests of Equality Between Sets of Coefficients in Two Linear Regressions

Gregory C. Chow
p. 591-605

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Stability of Equilibrium and the Value of Positive Excess Demand

Lionel W. McKenzie
p. 606-617

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A "Short-Cut" Method for the Complete Solution of Game Theory and Feed-Mix Problems

Wilfred Candler
p. 618-634

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An Alternative Proof of the Existence of General Equilibrium in a von Neumann Model

Charles W. Howe
p. 635-639

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Some Remarks on the Equilibria of Economic Systems

Kenneth J. Arrow, Leonid Hurwicz
p. 640-646

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Report of the Amsterdam Meeting, September 10-12, 1959

p. 647-669

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Report of the Washington Meeting, December 28-30, 1959

p. 670-708

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Letters to the Editor

Carlos Garcia-Mata, John W. Hooper, Peter Newman
p. 732-734

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Errata: Bilbao Meeting Report

p. 735-735

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Errata: On a Family of Lag Distributions

Robert M. Solow
p. 735-735

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Errata: Stability of Equilibrium by the Brown-von Neumann Differential Equation

H. Nikaido
p. 735-735

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Announcement of the European Meeting

p. 736-736

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Announcement of the St. Louis Meeting

p. 736-737

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Announcement of the Stanford Meeting

p. 736-736

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Election of Fellows, 1959

p. 737-739

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 739-742

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Deaths of Members

p. 743-743

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Accountants' Opinion

p. 744-744

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Treasurer's Report

p. 744-746

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p. 746-747

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