
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 30, Issue 1

[Photograph]: Henry L. Moore

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Henry L. Moore and Statistical Economics

George J. Stigler
p. 1-21

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A Mathematical Investigation of Some Economic Effects of Profit Sharing in Socialist Firms

J. Kornai, T. Liptak
p. 140-161

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The Influence of Errors on the Correlation of Ratios

F. E. A. Briggs
p. 162-177

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The Existence of an Optimum Savings Program

S. Chakravarty
p. 178-187

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Compte Rendu du Congres de Naples, 12-14 Septembre 1960

F. Bessiere
p. 188-206

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Letter to the Editor

R.L. Basmann
p. 207-208

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Proposed Election of Fellows, 1962

p. 219-219

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Travel Grant to Pittsburgh Meeting

p. 219-219

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The Effect of Consumer Experience on Brand Loyalty and the Structure of Market Demand

Harold Demsetz
p. 22-33

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Estimation of Production Function Parameters Combining Time-Series and Cross-Section Data

Irving Hoch
p. 34-53

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Three-Stage Least Squares: Simultaneous Estimation of Simultaneous Equations

Arnold Zellner, H. Theil
p. 54-78

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Identification and Estimation in a Simultaneous Equations Model with Errors in the Variables

H. S. Konijn
p. 79-87

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Economic Growth and the Theory of International Income Flows

Murray Brown, Ronald Jones
p. 88-97

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The Pattern of Japanese Growth, 1914-1954

Hollis B. Chenery, Shuntaro Shishido, Tsunehiko Watanabe
p. 98-139

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