
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 31, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Heterogeneous Capital and Smooth Production Functions: An Experimental Study

Robert M. Solow
p. 623-645

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An Empirical Test of Revealed Preference Theory

Anthony Y. C. Koo
p. 646-664

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Numerical Solution of a Modified Leontief Dynamic System for Consistent Forecasting or Indicative Planning

Clopper Almon
p. 665-678

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Reliability of Progress Curves in Airframe Production

Armen Alchian
p. 679-693

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Forms of Engel Functions

C. E. V. Leser
p. 694-703

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A Note on the Built-in Flexibility of the Individual Income Tax

Paul E. Smith
p. 704-711

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Best Linear Unbiased Index Numbers and Index Numbers Obtained through a Factorial Approach

K. S. Banerjee
p. 712-718

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The Payoff-Relevant Description of States and Acts

Jacob Marschak
p. 719-725

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Notes and Comments: Forecasting: yt = f(Zt) + Zt vs. yt = f(yt) + Zt or yt = f(Zt) + Zt vs. yt = f(yt-1)?

E. G. Bennion
p. 727-732

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Report of the Pittsburgh Meeting, December 27-29, 1962

p. 733-758

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Announcement of the 1964 European Meeting

p. 784-784

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Errata: The Influence of the Capital-Output Ratio on Real National Income

Maurice Allais
p. 784-784

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Travel Grant to the Zurich Meeting

p. 785-785

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