
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 33, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Erratum: Choice of Units, Column Sums, and Stability in Linear Dynamic Systems with Nonnegative Square Matrices

Franklin M. Fisher

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Front Matter

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Travel Grant to the First Far Eastern Meeting

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Money and Economic Growth

James Tobin
p. 671-684

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A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 2, The Neo-Classical Theory

John S. Chipman
p. 685-760

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An Empirical Analysis of Household Durable Goods Expenditure

e-Min Wu
p. 761-780

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Using Full Duality to Show that Simultaneously Additive Direct and Indirect Utilities Implies Unitary Price Elasticity of Demand

Paul A. Samuelson
p. 781-796

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A Note on Self-Dual Preferences

H. S. Houthakker
p. 797-801

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Zeuthen's Theory of Bargaining: A Note

Edward Saraydar
p. 802-813

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Consequences of Alternative Specifications in Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions

Irving Hoch, Yair Mundlak
p. 814-828

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On the Two Theorems of Growth Economics: A Mathematical Exercise

Michio Morishima
p. 829-840

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A Method for Solving a Nonlinear Programming Problem in Sample Surveys

R. Jagannathan
p. 841-846

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The Information Approach to the Evaluation of Input-Output Forecasts

C. B. Tilanus, H. Theil
p. 847-862

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On the Estimation of an Exponential Function

M. T. G. Meulenberg
p. 863-868

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Notes and Comments: Should Dynamic Utility Be Cardinal?

Michio Morishima
p. 869-871

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Notes and Comments: "Dynamic Utility": A Comment

Robert A. Pollak
p. 872-877

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Accountants' Opinion

p. 891-891

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Announcement of the New York Meeting

p. 891-891

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Treasurer's Report

p. 891-894

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