
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 34, Issue 2

News Note

p. 536-536

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Front Matter

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On a Class of Growth Models

Murray C. Kemp, Pham Chi Thanh
p. 257-282

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Specification Analysis in the Estimation of Parameters of a Simultaneous Equation Model with Autoregressive Residuals

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 283-306

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Decision and Horizon Rules for Stochastic Planning Problems: A Linear Example

Abraham Charnes, Jacques Dreze, Merton Miller
p. 307-330

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On Efficient Accumulation Paths in the Closed Production Model

Emmanuel M. Drandakis
p. 331-346

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Statistical vs. Structural Explanations of Understatement and Regressivity in "Rational" Expectations

Franco Modigliani, John Bossons
p. 347-353

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A Parametric Simplicial Formulation of Houthakker's Capacity Method

Andrew Whinston, C. van de Panne
p. 354-380

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Application of the General Linear Model to Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series

Richard C. Henshaw, Jr.
p. 381-395

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Turnpike Theorem in a Generalized Dynamic Input-Output System

Jinkichi Tsukui
p. 396-407

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Simultaneous Determination of Interest and Prices in Switzerland by a Two-Market Model for Money and Bonds

Heidi Schelbert-Syfrig, Jurg Niehans
p. 408-423

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Errors of Measurement and Least Squares Estimation in a Simple Recursive Model of Dynamic Equilibrium

Dennis J. Aigner
p. 424-432

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The Short-Run Flows of Nonfarm Residential Mortgage Credit

David S. Huang
p. 433-459

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A Simplex-Type Algorithm for Linear and Quadratic Programming--A Parametric Procedure

R. Jagannathan
p. 460-471

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Simultaneous Tests for Trend and Serial Correlations for Gaussian Markov Residuals

P. R. Krishnaiah, V. K. Murthy
p. 472-480

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Une Methode Graphique de Resolution de Certains Types de Programmes Lineaires de Grandes Dimensions

G. Matthys, J. Klatzmann
p. 481-490

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A Possibility Theorem on Majority Decisions

Amartya K. Sen
p. 491-499

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Notes and Comments: Additivity in Utility Theory with Denumerable Product Sets

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 500-503

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Notes and Comments: Consumer Aspects of Price Instability

Frederick V. Waugh
p. 504-508

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Announcement of the December, 1966 Meeting

p. 528-528

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Report of Elections, 1965

p. 528-529

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Travel Grant to San Francisco Meeting

p. 528-528

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Election of Fellows, 1965

p. 529-532

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Fellows of the Econometric Society

p. 532-535

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Deceased Fellows

p. 535-536

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Errata: An Exact Method of Consumer Demand Analysis

I. F. Pearce
p. 536-536

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Errata: A Note on Separability in Demand Analysis

H. Uzawa, S. M. Goldman
p. 536-536

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