
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 36, Issue 3

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Front Matter

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Forecasting with Econometric Models: An Evaluation

H. O. Stekler
p. 437-463

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The Interpretation and Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Functions

Arthur S. Goldberger
p. 464-472

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Application de l'Hypothese de Comportement Minimax a la Prevision des Prix

E. Baudier
p. 473-496

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Theory of Consumer Behavior When Prices Enter the Utility Function

Peter Jason Kalman
p. 497-510

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Short-Run Employment Variation on Class-I Railroads in the U.S., 1947-1963

Sherwin Rosen
p. 511-529

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Quadratic Teams, Information Economics, and Aggregate Planning Decisions

Charles H. Kriebel
p. 530-543

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Qualitative Economics and the Scope of the Correspondence Principle

James Quirk, John Maybee, Lowell Bassett
p. 544-563

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Tarification des Services a Qualite Variable--Application aux Peages de Circulation

H. Levy-Lambert
p. 564-574

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A Note on Optimal Tolls in an Imperfect Environment

Maurice Marchand
p. 575-581

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Bayesian Analysis of Haavelmo's Models

V. K. Chetty
p. 582-602

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Variance of a Matrix

David H. Nissen
p. 603-604

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Notes and Comments: Conditions for Additive Separability

W. M. Gorman
p. 605-609

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Notes and Comments: Note on the Unbiasedness of a Mixed Regression Estimator

N. C. Kakwani
p. 610-611

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Errata: Investment Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-60

Dale W. Jorgenson, James A. Stephenson
p. 626-626

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Notes of Appreciation

p. 626-626

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Errata: The Price Elasticity of Liquor in the U.S. and a Simple Method of Determination

Julian L. Simon
p. 626-626

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Errata: Testing Single-Equation Least Squares Regression Models for Autocorrelated Disturbances

Richard C. Henshaw, Jr.
p. 626-626

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