
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 37, Issue 4

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Front Matter

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The Existence of Aggregate Production Functions

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 553-577

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Competitive Equilibria in Markets with a Continuum of Traders and Incomplete Preferences

David Schmeidler
p. 578-585

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Capital Risk, Consumption, and Portfolio Choice

Agnar Sandmo
p. 586-599

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The Existence of an Optimal Economic Policy

T. Krishna Kumar
p. 600-610

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Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System

Robert A. Pollak, Terence J. Wales
p. 611-628

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Systems of Demand Equations: An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Functional Forms

Richard W. Parks
p. 629-650

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The Consistency and Efficiency of Generalized Least Squares in Simultaneous Equation Systems with Autocorrelated Errors

M. R. Wickens
p. 651-659

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Behavior Towards Risk with Many Commodities

Joseph E. Stiglitz
p. 660-667

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Induced Factor Augmenting Technical Progress from a Microeconomic Viewpoint

M. I. Kamien, N. L. Schwartz
p. 668-684

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An Econometric Model for Option Price with Implications for Investors' Expectations and Audacity

Sheen T. Kassouf
p. 685-694

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Reexamination of the Time Series Evidence on Food Demand

G. S. Tolley, R. G. Fletcher, Y. Wang
p. 695-705

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First Order Certainty Equivalence

E. Malinvaud
p. 706-718

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Notes and Comments: Factor Analysis Regression Revisited

John T. Scott, Jr.
p. 719-719

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Notes and Comments: Anticipated Profit in Cobb-Douglas Models

Irving Hoch
p. 720-720

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Estimation of Cobb-Douglas and CES Production Function Models

Dorothy J. Hodges
p. 721-725

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Relation Between Binary and Multiple Choice Probabilities

S. K. Chakrabarti
p. 726-727

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Notes and Comments: The Relation Between Binary and Multiple Choices: Some Comments and Further Results

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
p. 728-730

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Notes and Comments: Econometrics of Joint Production: A Comment

V. K. Chetty
p. 731-731

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Notes and Comments: Estimation of Joint Production Functions

B. M. Mitchell, P. J. Dhrymes
p. 732-736

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Econometrics of Joint Production

Potluri Rao
p. 737-738

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Notes and Comments: Econometrics of Joint Production--A Reply

H. D. Vinod
p. 739-740

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Second World Congress

p. 746-746

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News Note

p. 747-747

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Erratum: Theory of Consumer Behavior When Prices Enter the Utility Function

Peter J. Kalman
p. 747-748

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