
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 38, Issue 5

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Optimal Investment and Consumption Strategies Under Risk for a Class of Utility Functions

Nils H. Hakansson
p. 587-607

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Existence of Equilibria for Economies with Production and a Measure Space of Consumers

Werner Hildenbrand
p. 608-623

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An Econometric Model of the Israeli Economy, 1952-1965

Michael K. Evans
p. 624-660

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Another Type of Risk Aversion

Emmett Keeler, Richard Zeckhauser
p. 661-665

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Recursive Decision Systems: An Existence Analysis

Peter E. Kennedy, Richard H. Day
p. 666-681

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Some Properties of "Optimal" Seasonal Adjustment

D. M. Grether, M. Nerlove
p. 682-703

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The Efficiency of Competitive Programs

David Starrett
p. 704-711

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A Macro Model of the U.S. Labor Market

H. H. Kelejian, S. W. Black
p. 712-741

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The Small Sample Properties of Simultaneous Equation Least Absolute Estimators vis-a-vis Least Squares Estimators

Fred R. Glahe, Jerry G. Hunt
p. 742-753

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Production Correspondences

S. E. Jacobsen
p. 754-771

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Notes and Comments: The Asymptotic Unbiasedness of Two-Stage Least Squares

David H. Richardson
p. 772-772

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Notes and Comments: Comment on Invariance Axioms and Economic Indexes

Claude Hillinger
p. 773-774

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Notes and Comments: Estimating the Linear Probability Function

Robert G. McGillivray
p. 775-776

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 789-790

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Addendum: Economies with a Finite Set of Equilibria

G. Debreu
p. 790-790

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News Notes

p. 790-790

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