
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 40, Issue 1

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Front Matter

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Volume Information

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Econometrics and Decision Theory

Jacques H. Dreze
p. 1-18

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Population and Optimal Growth

John Pitchford
p. 109-136

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Indices Prospectifs Quantitatifs et Procedures Decentralisees d'Elaboration des Plans

Y. Younes
p. 137-146

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Social Preference Orderings and Majority Rule

Melvin J. Hinich, Morris H. DeGroot, Otto A. Davis
p. 147-157

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A Study of the Production Structure of the Indian Economy: An International Comparison

K. V. Santhanam, R. H. Patil
p. 159-176

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A Mean Demand Function and Individual Demand Functions Confronted with the Weak and the Strong Axioms of Revealed Preference: An Empirical Test

Axel Mossin
p. 177-192

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Information Lost in Aggregation: A Bayesian Approach

H. H. Kelejian
p. 19-26

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Notes and Comments: Estimation of the Liquidity Trap with a Generalized Functional Form

Kenneth J. White
p. 193-199

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Notes and Comments: The Generalized Characteristic Equation of a Linear Dynamic System

Roger Bowden
p. 201-203

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 218-218

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Errata: A Note on Error-Components Models

Marc Nerlove
p. 218-218

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Errata: Random Methods in Optimization in Relation to Economic Systems

C. T. Rajaratnam
p. 218-218

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 219-219

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Tatonnement Stability: An Econometric Approach

M. G. Allingham
p. 27-42

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Timing of Innovations Under Rivalry

Morton I. Kamien, Nancy L. Schwartz
p. 43-60

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A Direct Proof of Arrow's Theorem

Julian H. Blau
p. 61-67

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Stochastic Implications of Orbital Asymptotic Stability of a Nonlinear Trade Cycle Model

R. F. Kosobud, W. D. O’Neill
p. 69-86

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More Stochastic Properties of the Klein-Goldberger Model

R. J. Bowden
p. 87-98

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Upper Hemi-Continuity of the Equilibrium-Set Correspondence for Pure Exchange Economies

J. F. Mertens, W. Hildenbrand
p. 99-108

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