
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 40, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Smooth Preferences

Gerard Debreu
p. 603-615

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Testing for Fourth Order Autocorrelation in Quarterly Regression Equations

Kenneth F. Wallis
p. 617-636

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Fair Net Trades

David Schmeidler, Karl Vind
p. 637-642

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The Existence of Moments of the Ordinary Least Squares and Two-Stage Least Squares Estimators

Roberto S. Mariano
p. 643-652

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Finite-Sample Properties of the k-Class Estimators

Takamitsu Sawa
p. 653-680

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A Cost-Inclusive Simultaneous Equation Model of Birth Rates

Benjamin Cheng, John M. Campbell, Paul R. Gregory
p. 681-687

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Weaker Criteria and Tests for Linear Restrictions in Regression

T. D. Wallace
p. 689-698

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Operational Techniques and Tables for Making Weak MSE Tests for Restrictions in Regressions

James Goodnight, T. D. Wallace
p. 699-709

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A General Formulation of the Lechatelier-Samuelson Principle

Werner Oettli, Wolfgang Eichhorn
p. 711-717

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Regression with Non-Gaussian Stable Disturbances: Some Sampling Results

K. R. Kadiyala
p. 719-722

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The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem

Kiyoshi Kuga
p. 723-736

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The S-Branch Utility Tree: A Generalization of the Linear Expenditure System

Dale Heien, Murray Brown
p. 737-747

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Notes and Comments: An Econometric Model of the World Tin Economy: A Comment

F. E. Banks
p. 749-752

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Notes and Comments: An Econometric Model of the World Tin Economy: Reply to a Comment by F. E. Banks

Meghnad Desai
p. 753-755

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Notes and Comments: Relative Asymptotic Bias from Errors of Omission and Measurement

B. T. McCallum
p. 757-758

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Use of Proxy Variables

Michael R. Wickens
p. 759-761

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Notes and Comments: An Algorithm for Computing the von Neumann Balanced Growth Path

Deb Kumar Bose, Sanjit Bose
p. 763-766

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Notes and Comments: Two Algorithms for Computing the Von Neumann Balanced Growth Rate

Roman L. Weil
p. 767-767

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Notes and Comments: The Efficiency of the Two-Step Estimator

Kenneth F. Wallis
p. 769-770

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Anthony Y. C. Koo, "Revealed Preference--A Structural Analysis"

Goetz Uebe
p. 771-771

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Computer Algorithm: A Full-Information Maximum Likelihood Program

Ray C. Fair
p. 773-773

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p. 790-790

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 790-790

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News Notes

p. 790-791

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 792-792

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