
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 40, Issue 5

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Front Matter

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Some Statistical Implications of the Log Transformation of Multiplicative Models

J. Koerts, R. Teekens
p. 793-819

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Neutrality, Monotonicity, and the Right of Veto

A. S. Guha
p. 821-826

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Binary Choice of Urban Transport Mode in the San Francisco Bay Region

Robert G. McGillivray
p. 827-848

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Constraints Often Overlooked in Analyses of Simultaneous Equation Models

Arnold Zellner
p. 849-853

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Constraints on the Parameters in Two Simple Simultaneous Equation Models

Hans Genberg
p. 855-865

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The Local Uniqueness of Equilibria

Egbert Dierker, Hildegard Dierker
p. 867-881

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Decomposition of Linear Programs by Direct Distribution

A. ten Kate
p. 883-898

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator

A. R. Bergstrom
p. 899-900

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test: Comment

Franklin M. Fisher, Joseph B. Kadane
p. 901-903

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Notes and Comments: The Covariance Matrix of the Limited Information Estimator and the Identification Test: A Reply

Ta-Chung Liu, William J. Breen
p. 905-906

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System

A. C. Rayner
p. 907-907

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Notes and Comments: A Comment on Estimating a Structural Equation in a Large System: Reply

Walter D. Fisher, Walter J. Wadycki
p. 909-909

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Notes and Comments: Note on Consistent Estimation of the Variance of the Disturbances in the Linear Model

T. Kloek
p. 911-912

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Notes and Comments: The Power of an F-Test in the Context of a Structural Equation

Nagesh Revankar, Parthasaradhi Mallela
p. 913-915

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Notes and Comments: A Linear Oligopoly Game

Miroslav Manas
p. 917-922

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Notes and Comments: Specification with Deflated Variables and Specious Spurious Correlation

David A. Belsley
p. 923-927

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Notes and Comments: Spurious Seasonal Fluctuations in Seasonally Adjusted Series

B. H. Easton
p. 929-929

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Notes and Comments: Index Number Systems

Ralph W. Pfouts
p. 931-934

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Asymptotic Output Elasticity

Giuseppe Gaburro
p. 935-936

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Notes and Comments: Returns to Scale and Substitutability in the Repairmen Problem

Moises Syrquin
p. 937-941

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Notes and Comments: Extensions of the ZKD Model: A Comment

James P. Gander
p. 943-945

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Professor Stiglitz' "Distribution of Income and Wealth"

Masatsugu Tsuji
p. 947-949

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Notes and Comments: Two Remarks on the Number of Equilibria of an Economy

Egbert Dierker
p. 951-953

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Notes and Comments: Continuity Properties of the Core of a Market: A Correction

Yakar Kannai
p. 955-958

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Notes and Comments: Interpersonal Comparison and Partial Comparability: A Correction

Amartya Sen
p. 959-959

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Computer Algorithms: SYMINV: An Algorithm for the Inversion of a Positive Definite Matrix by the Cholesky Decomposition

Terry Seaks
p. 961-962

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Computer Algorithms: A Pearsonian Curve-Fitting Algorithm

James H. Gapinski, T. Krishna Kumar
p. 963-963

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 977-977

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