
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 41, Issue 4

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Front Matter

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Manipulation of Voting Schemes: A General Result

Allan Gibbard
p. 587-601

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Transitive Binary Social Choices and Intraprofile Conditions

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 603-615

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Incentives in Teams

Theodore Groves
p. 617-631

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An Econometric Analysis of Fertility in Sweden, 1870-1965

Maurice Wilkinson
p. 633-642

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Choice of Response Functional Form in Designing Subsidy Experiments

John Conlisk
p. 643-656

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Generalized Costs of Adjustment and Dynamic Factor Demand Theory

Dale T. Mortensen
p. 657-665

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Neo-Classical Technology Sets and Properties of Production Possibility Sets

Yoshihiko Otani
p. 667-682

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Distributions of Estimates of Coefficients of a Single Equation in a Simultaneous System and Their Asymptotic Expansions

T. W. Anderson, Takamitsu Sawa
p. 683-714

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Approximations to the Distribution Functions of Theil's k-Class Estimators

Roberto S. Mariano
p. 715-721

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Generalized Least Squares with an Estimated Autocovariance Matrix

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 723-732

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Alternative Tests of Independence between Stochastic Regressors and Disturbances

e-Min Wu
p. 733-750

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Linear Regression with Error in the Deflating Variable

M. C. Casson
p. 751-759

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Tests for Serial Correlation in Regression Models with Lagged Dependent Variables and Serially Correlated Errors

A. S. Rao, G. S. Maddala
p. 761-774

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A Distributed Lag Estimator Derived from Smoothness Priors

Robert J. Shiller
p. 775-788

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1975 World Congress of the Econometric Society: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 789-792

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Congres Europeen de la Societe d'Econometrie

p. 789-789

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 789-789

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 792-792

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News Note

p. 792-793

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Unpublished Memoranda

p. 794-795

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Unpublished Research Memoranda

p. 794-794

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Erratum: Multiperiod Predictions from Stochastic Difference Equations by Bayesian Methods

Gregory C. Chow
p. 796-796

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