
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 42, Issue 6

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Front Matter

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Maximum Likelihood Methods for Models of Markets in Disequilibrium

Forrest D. Nelson, G. S. Maddala
p. 1013-1030

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Some Time and Frequency Domain Distributed Lag Estimators: A Comparative Monte Carlo Study

Robert A. Meyer, Thomas F. Cargill
p. 1031-1044

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Voter Antagonism and the Paradox of Voting

Hiroaki Nagatani, Kiyoshi Kuga
p. 1045-1068

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A Test of the "No Trade Off in the Long Run" Hypothesis

Alex Cukierman
p. 1069-1080

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Short-Run Equilibrium and Stability in the Two-Sector Growth Model

Miltiades Chacholiades
p. 1081-1092

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Money and the Decentralization of Exchange

Joseph M. Ostroy, Ross M. Starr
p. 1093-1114

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A Convenient Descriptive Model of Income Distribution: The Gamma Density

A. B. Z. Salem, T. D. Mount
p. 1115-1128

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Preference Aggregation

H. P. Young
p. 1129-1132

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Notes and Comments: A General Formulation of the Lechatelier-Samuelson Principle: A Comment

Donald Watson
p. 1133-1134

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1135-1135

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Errors in Variables and Other Unobservables

Zvi Griliches
p. 971-998

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Multivariate Regression and Simultaneous Equation Models when the Dependent Variables Are Truncated Normal

Takeshi Amemiya
p. 999-1012

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