
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 44, Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Poverty: An Ordinal Approach to Measurement

Amartya Sen
p. 219-231

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Collective Choice Correspondences as Admissible Outcomes of Social Bargaining Processes

David Schmeidler, Ehud Kalai, Elisha A. Pazner
p. 233-240

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A Problem on Rankings by Committees

J. W. Moon
p. 241-246

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Fisher's Tests Revisited

W. Eichhorn
p. 247-256

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An Approximate Divisia Index of Total Factor Productivity

Robert E. Hall, Spencer Star
p. 257-263

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Theoremes d'Existence et d'Equivalence pour des Economies avec Production

Claude Oddou
p. 265-281

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Existence d'un Equilibre General de Concurrence Imparfaite: Une Introduction

Guy Laroque, Jean-Jacques Laffont
p. 283-294

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Analysis of Models for Commercial Fishing: Mathematical and Economical Aspects

Anthony Leung, Ar-Young Wang
p. 295-303

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The Stochastic Dependence of Security Price Changes and Transaction Volumes: Implications for the Mixture-of-Distributions Hypothesis

Mary Lee Epps, Thomas W. Epps
p. 305-321

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On the Properties of Linear Decision Rules and Their Derivation by an Iterative Procedure

Jan Tymes, Stephen J. Nickell
p. 323-336

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Discriminating among Linear Models with Interdependent Disturbances

Kenneth M. Gaver, Martin S. Geisel
p. 337-343

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Weak Priors and Sharp Posteriors in Simultaneous Equation Models

G. S. Maddala
p. 345-351

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The Variances of Regression Coefficient Estimates Using Aggregate Data

Edwin Kuh, Roy E. Welsch
p. 353-363

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Optimal Critical Values for Pre-Testing in Regression

T. D. Wallace, T. Toyoda
p. 365-375

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Notes and Comments: Demand and Supply Functions for Money: Another Look at Theory and Measurement

Ronald L. Teigen
p. 377-385

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Notes and Comments: Demand and Supply Functions for Money: A Comment

William E. Gibson
p. 387-389

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Notes and Comments: The Distributional Implications of Public Goods

Geoffrey Brennan
p. 391-399

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Notes and Comments: Reply to Geoffrey Brennan, "The Distributional Implications of Public Goods"

Henry Aaron, Martin McGuire
p. 401-404

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Notes and Comments: Public Goods and Income Distribution: A Rejoinder to the Aaron-McGuire Reply

Geoffrey Brennan
p. 405-407

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Notes and Comments: A Proof that Both the Bias and the Mean Square Error of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator are Monotonically Non-Increasing Functions of Sample Size

A. D. Owen
p. 409-411

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1975 Election Results

p. 413-413

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 413-414

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North American Summer Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, June 23-26, 1976

p. 413-413

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Pagination Error

p. 413-413

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Election of Fellows, 1975

p. 415-419

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Erratum: Risk Aversion in the Small and in the Large

John W. Pratt
p. 420-420

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