
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 44, Issue 4

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Personal Taxation and Portfolio Composition: An Econometric Analysis

Martin Feldstein
p. 631-650

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An Indirect Test of Complementarity in a Family Labor Supply Model

Thomas J. Kniesner
p. 651-669

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Compensation of Cooperating Factors

Alan V. Deardorff, Frank P. Stafford
p. 671-684

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The Control of Nonlinear Econometric Systems with Unknown Parameters

Gregory C. Chow
p. 685-695

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Formulations Bayesiennes de Modeles Economiques Classiques d'Affectation

J. Voranger
p. 697-712

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The Identification and Parameterization of Armax and State Space Forms

E. J. Hannan
p. 713-723

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Prior Information on the Coefficients when the Disturbance Covariance Matrix is Unknown

William E. Taylor
p. 725-739

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An Indirect Least Squares Estimator for Overidentified Equations

J. Daniel Khazzoom
p. 741-750

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The Estimation of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

P. M. Robinson
p. 751-764

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Instrumental Variables Estimation of Differential Equations

P. M. Robinson
p. 765-776

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Optimum Trade Restrictions and Their Consequences

Halbert White, Lester C. Thurow
p. 777-786

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A Theorem on Decentralized Exchange

Paul J. Madden
p. 787-791

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Equity, Arrow's Conditions, and Rawls' Difference Principle

Peter J. Hammond
p. 793-804

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Linear Measures of Income Inequality

Farhad Mehran
p. 805-809

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Notes and Comments: Conventional Returns to Scale and Financing Pollution Control

Bruce Greenwald
p. 811-814

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Notes and Comments: A Note of Identification and Information Loss through Aggregation

Donald D. Hester
p. 815-818

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Notes and Comments: The Relative Factor Intensities of Investment- and Consumer-Goods Industries: A Note

John Sutton
p. 819-821

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Notes and Comments: The Effect of Transformations of Lorenz Curves

J. Fellman
p. 823-824

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Notes and Comments: A Slutsky Equation for Demand Correspondences

Dennis F. Ellis
p. 825-828

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Notes and Comments: Existence of Approximate Cores with Incomplete Preferences

Birgit Grodal
p. 829-830

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Notes and Comments: Smooth Preferences: A Corrigendum

Gerard Debreu
p. 831-832

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Computer Algorithms: Small Computer Programs for OLS and Principal Components Regression Calculations

J. C. Nash
p. 833-833

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Econometric and Spectral Analysis-EAS

Richard E. Just, Stanley M. Fletcher
p. 835-835

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Computer Algorithms: Computer Algorithm: Derived Reduced Form Coefficient Covariances

Arthur M. Havenner
p. 837-837

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p. 839-839

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 839-839

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News Note

p. 839-839

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Errata: Accepted Manuscripts

p. 840-840

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Errata: Large Sample Theory of Some Measures of Income Inequality

Joseph L. Gastwirth
p. 840-840

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