
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 44, Issue 5

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Front Matter

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Irrelevant Alternatives and Social Welfare

D. K. Osborne
p. 1001-1015

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Self-Dual Preferences

Ryuzo Sato
p. 1017-1032

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Representable Choice Functions

Peter C. Fishburn
p. 1033-1043

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Bayesian Limited Information Analysis of the Simultaneous Equations Model

Jacques H. Dreze
p. 1045-1075

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Testing for Serial Correlation in Dynamic Simultaneous Equation Models

L. G. Godfrey
p. 1077-1084

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Notes and Comments: Estimation and Prediction from Aggregate Data when Aggregates are Measured More Accurately than Their Components: Comment

William H. Greene
p. 1085-1085

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Notes and Comments: Decentralized Nonmonetary Trade

Ross M. Starr
p. 1087-1089

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1090-1090

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News Note

p. 1090-1090

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Turnpike Theory

Lionel W. McKenzie
p. 841-865

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Optimal Growth in a Putty-Clay Model

Guillermo A. Calvo
p. 867-878

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The Specification of Adaptive Expectations in Continuous Time Dynamic Economic Models

Edwin Burmeister, Stephen J. Turnovsky
p. 879-905

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A Non-Tatonnement Model with Production and Consumption

Franklin M. Fisher
p. 907-938

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Limit Pricing, Uncertain Entry, and the Entry Lag

Raymond R. De Bondt
p. 939-946

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Input-Output Analysis with Scale-Dependent Coefficients

Sajal Lahiri
p. 947-961

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A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes

G. S. Maddala, S. K. Singh
p. 963-970

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The Demand Theory of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference

Andreu Mas-Colell, Hugo Sonnenschein, Richard Kihlstrom
p. 971-978

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Community Preferences and the Representative Consumer

John Muellbauer
p. 979-999

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