
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 44, Issue 6

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Keynes and Econometrics: On the Interaction between the Macroeconomic Revolutions of the Interwar Period

Don Patinkin
p. 1091-1123

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Some Theory of Labor Management and Participation

Jacques H. Dreze
p. 1125-1139

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An Interactive Market-Planning Procedure

Robert L. Welch
p. 1141-1152

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Pricing in a Dynamic Model with Saturation

H. J. Landau
p. 1153-1155

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Dynamics of Temporary Equilibria and Expectations

Gerard Fuchs, Guy Laroque
p. 1157-1178

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Capital Aggregation in a General Equilibrium Model of Production

Murray Brown, Winston W. Chang
p. 1179-1200

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The Income Tax and Charitable Contributions

Amy Taylor, Martin Feldstein
p. 1201-1222

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Estimation of the Earnings Profile from Optimal Human Capital Accumulation

William J. Haley
p. 1223-1238

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Social Welfare and Income Distribution

Efraim Sadka
p. 1239-1251

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The Welfare Loss from Price Distortions

Trout Rader
p. 1253-1257

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An Econometric Evaluation of a Generalized Consumer Surplus Measure: The Mineral King Controversy

Anthony C. Fisher, Charles J. Cicchetti, V. Kerry Smith
p. 1259-1276

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On the Insensitivity of the Autoregressive Moving Average Representations of Some Australian Quarterly Time Series

John McDonald
p. 1277-1287

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Some Experimental Results on the Statistical Properties of Least Squares Estimates in Control Problems

John B. Taylor, T. W. Anderson
p. 1289-1302

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Conflict Among Testing Procedures in a Linear Regression Model with Autoregressive Disturbances

N. E. Savin
p. 1303-1315

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Bias in the Almon Distributed Lag Estimator

Timo Terasvirta
p. 1317-1321

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Notes and Comments: The Malinvaud Eigenvalue Lemma: Correction and Amplification

David Gale, Richard Rockwell
p. 1323-1324

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Computer Algorithm: An Algorithm for Determining the Distribution Function of the Durbin-Watson Test Statistic

Daniel Chall, Daniel Taylor, Wilford L. L’Esperance
p. 1325-1326

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1327-1327

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society--Vienna, 1977

p. 1327-1327

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News Notes

p. 1327-1328

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Erratum: Distributions of Estimates of Coefficients of a Single Equation in a Simultaneous System and Their Asymptotic Expansions

T. W. Anderson, Takamitsu Sawa
p. 1329-1329

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