
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 45, Issue 2

Small Sample Properties of a Class of Two Stage Aitken Estimators

William E. Taylor
p. 497-508

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Asymptotic Expansions of the Distributions of Estimates in Simultaneous Equations for Alternative Parameter Sequences

T. W. Anderson
p. 509-518

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Notes and Comments: External Diseconomies in Consumption and Monopoly Pricing: A Comment

Jacques Lesourne
p. 519-526

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Ta-Chung Liu, 1914-1975

L. R. Klein, M. Nerlove, S. C. Tsiang
p. 527-529

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Publications of Ta-Chung Liu

p. 529-530

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 531-532

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Winter 1977 Econometric Society Meetings

p. 531-531

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News Notes

p. 532-532

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Erratum: An Econometric Evaluation of a Generalized Consumer Surplus Measure: The Mineral King Controversy

Anthony C. Fisher, Charles J. Cicchetti, V. Kerry Smith
p. 533-533

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Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Stability Theorems with Economic Applications

Claude Henry, Jacques Dreze, Paul Champsaur
p. 273-294

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A Renewal Model of Economic Growth: The Continuous Case

John S. Chipman
p. 295-316

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Optimal Maximin Accumulation with Uncertain Future Technology

Guillermo A. Calvo
p. 317-328

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Optimal Tax-Subsidy System for an Economy with Marshallian Externalities

Hiroaki Osana
p. 329-340

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Coalition Structure in a Labor-Managed Market Economy

Tatsuro Ichiishi
p. 341-360

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The Formation of Small Market Places in a Competitive Economic Process--The Dynamics of Agglomeration

Robert C. Baesemann
p. 361-374

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Frank Knight's Theorem in Linear Programming Revisited

A. D. Woodland, W. E. Diewert
p. 375-398

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Rationing, Quantity Constraints, and Consumption Theory

David H. Howard
p. 399-412

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Risk Aversion and Consumer Preferences

Giora Hanoch
p. 413-426

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Characterization of Satisfactory Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences for Public Goods

Jean-Jacques Laffont, Jerry Green
p. 427-438

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Strategy-Proofness and Social Choice Functions without Singlevaluedness

Jerry S. Kelly
p. 439-446

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The Demand for Housing: A Study in Specification and Grouping

A. Mitchell Polinsky
p. 447-462

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Approximations to Some Finite Sample Distributions Associated with a First-Order Stochastic Difference Equation

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 463-486

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Finite Sample Properties of Instrumental Variable Estimators of Structural Coefficients

Roberto S. Mariano
p. 487-496

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