
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 45, Issue 7

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Front Matter

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On Weights and Measures: Informational Constraints in Social Welfare Analysis

Amartya Sen
p. 1539-1572

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The Manipulation of Social Choice Mechanisms that Do Not Leave "Too Much" to Chance

Salvador Barbera
p. 1573-1588

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The Ratio Equilibria and the Core of the Voting Game G(N, W) in a Public Goods Economy

Mamoru Kaneko
p. 1589-1594

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The Nature of Equilibrium with Semiordered Preferences

Dean T. Jamison, Lawrence J. Lau
p. 1595-1605

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Incentive Compatible Behavior in Core-Selecting Organizations

John O. Ledyard
p. 1607-1621

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Proportional Solutions to Bargaining Situations: Interpersonal Utility Comparisons

Ehud Kalai
p. 1623-1630

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Two-Person Bargaining Problems and Comparable Utility

Roger B. Myerson
p. 1631-1637

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Note sur les Fonctions de Consommation en Prix et Revenu Reels de Fourgeaud et Nataf

F. Carlevaro
p. 1639-1650

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Price-Taking Behavior

Leif Johansen
p. 1651-1656

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Trade and Prices in a Closed Economy with Exogeneous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money and Compound Futures Markets

Martin Shubik, Pradeep Dubey
p. 1657-1680

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Quality Change and the Demand for Hospital Care

Martin Feldstein
p. 1681-1702

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`Second Best' Congestion Taxes in Transportation Systems

Trent J. Bertrand
p. 1703-1715

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Notes and Comments: The Estimation of Simultaneous Probability Models

Charles D. Mallar
p. 1717-1722

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Notes and Comments: A Note on the Computation of the Tobit Estimator

Ray C. Fair
p. 1723-1727

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction

David M. Grether
p. 1729-1734

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Notes and Comments: On the Granger Condition for Non-Causality

Yuzo Hosoya
p. 1735-1736

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Notes and Comments: The Stability of Models of Money and Perfect Foresight: A Comment

Guillermo A. Calvo
p. 1737-1739

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Computer Algorithm: A Computer Program for Box-Cox Transformation and Estimation Technique

Hui S. Chang
p. 1741-1741

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1743-1743

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Announcement of Termination of the Section of Econometrica Devoted to Computer Algorithms

p. 1743-1743

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Program of the 1977 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 22-25, 1977

p. 1743-1746

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