
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 46, Issue 2

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Efficiency in the Optimum Supply of Public Goods

Eytan Sheshinski, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Lawrence J. Lau
p. 269-284

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How Long is a Spell of Unemployment?

Robert H. Frank
p. 285-302

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On Inequality Comparisons

Gary S. Fields, John C. H. Fei
p. 303-316

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Intermediate Preferences and the Majority Rule

Jean-Michel Grandmont
p. 317-330

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On a Difficulty in the Analysis of Strategic Voting

Manimay Sengupta
p. 331-343

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Estimation of Demand Systems Generated by the Gorman Polar Form; A Generalization of the S-Branch Utility Tree

Charles Blackorby, R. Robert Russell, Richard Boyce
p. 345-363

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Aggregate CES Input Demand with Polytomous Micro Demand

Anthony G. Lawrence, Richard J. McDonald
p. 365-378

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Joint Production Technology: The Case of Petrochemicals

James M. Griffin
p. 379-396

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Increasing Returns in General Non-Competitive Analysis

Joaquim Silvestre
p. 397-402

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A Conditional Probit Model for Qualitative Choice: Discrete Decisions Recognizing Interdependence and Heterogeneous Preferences

David A. Wise, Jerry A. Hausman
p. 403-426

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Discrete Parameter Variation: Efficient Estimation of a Switching Regression Model

Nicholas M. Kiefer
p. 427-434

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Constrained Indirect Least Squares Estimators

Leon L. Wegge
p. 435-449

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A Note on a Central Limit Theorem

E. J. Hannan
p. 451-453

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Budgeting, Separability, and Generalized Separability

Peter Simmons
p. 455-458

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Notes and Comments: A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: Comment

J. S. Cramer
p. 459-460

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Notes and Comments: A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes: Reply

G. S. Maddala, S. K. Singh
p. 461-461

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Notes and Comments: On the Asymptotic Distribution of Impact and Interim Multipliers

Leonard Gill, Sophocles N. Brissimis
p. 463-469

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Notes and Comments: A Note of Correction to Guilkey's Test for Serial Independence in Simultaneous Equations Models

Athol Maritz
p. 471-471

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Notes and Comments: Some Remarks on the Algorithm of Pindyck

Gotz Uebe, Joachim Fischer
p. 473-476

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Causal and Qualitative Analysis of Economic Models--ANAS

G. Ritschard, M. Gilli
p. 477-478

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Computer Algorithms: A Computer Program for Seemingly Unrelated Nonlinear Regressions

David J. Faurot, Vincy Fon
p. 479-479

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Computer Algorithms: A Program for Nonlinear Multivariate Regression--GCM

J. J. Snella
p. 481-481

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1978 Meetings of the Econometric Society

p. 483-483

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1978 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society in Boulder

p. 483-483

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Fall 1978 Econometric Society Meetings in Chicago

p. 483-484

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1978 European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Geneva

p. 484-484

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Nominations for Society Fellows

p. 484-484

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Selected Articles for Publication in the Journal Econometrica

p. 484-485

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 485-485

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News Notes

p. 486-486

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Election of Fellows, 1977

p. 487-491

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