
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 48, Issue 6

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Front Matter

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Estimation in Linear Regression Models with Disparate Data Points

William S. Krasker
p. 1333-1346

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Testing of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis

Nagesh S. Revankar
p. 1347-1363

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Recursive Competitive Equilibrium: The Case of Homogeneous Households

Edward C. Prescott, Rajnish Mehra
p. 1365-1379

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Estimating the Uncertainty of Policy Effects in Nonlinear Models

Ray C. Fair
p. 1381-1391

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A Capital Market in an Equilibrium Business Cycle Model

Robert J. Barro
p. 1393-1417

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On Proportional Malinvaud Prices

Hiroshi Atsumi
p. 1419-1429

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On Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources: Existence and Characterization Results

Tapan Mitra
p. 1431-1450

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Hybrid Corn Revisited

Robert Dixon
p. 1451-1461

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Hybrid Corn Revisited: A Reply

Zvi Griliches
p. 1463-1465

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The Tiebout Hypothesis: Near Optimality in Local Public Good Economies

Myrna Wooders
p. 1467-1485

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The Existence of Efficient and Incentive Compatible Equilibria with Public Goods

John O. Ledyard, Theodore Groves
p. 1487-1506

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A Differential Approach to Dominant Strategy Mechanisms

Eric Maskin, Jean-Jacques Laffont
p. 1507-1520

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On the Nonexistence of a Dominant Strategy Mechanism for Making Optimal Public Decisions

Mark Walker
p. 1521-1540

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Notes and Comments: Extending the Classical Normal Errors-in-Variables Model

Steven Garber, Steven Klepper
p. 1541-1546

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Notes and Comments: On Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components

Badi H. Baltagi
p. 1547-1552

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Notes and Comments: The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation when there is no Intercept in the Regression

R. W. Farebrother
p. 1553-1564

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Notes and Comments: Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty in Stapleton and Subrahmanyam's "Multiperiod Equilibrium Asset Pricing Model"

David M. Kreps, Robert Wilson
p. 1565-1566

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Notes and Comments: Gross Substitutability with Multi-Valued Excess Demand Functions

Peter Howitt
p. 1567-1574

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Notes and Comments: A Model in which an Increase in the Number of Sellers Leads to a Higher Price

Robert W. Rosenthal
p. 1575-1580

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1981 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 1581-1581

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1581-1581

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News Notes

p. 1582-1583

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

p. 1584-1584

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