
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 49, Issue 1

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Front Matter

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

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Production Sets with Indivisibilities, Part I: Generalities

Herbert E. Scarf
p. 1-32

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Applied Welfare Economics with Discrete Choice Models

Harvey S. Rosen, Kenneth A. Small
p. 105-130

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Efficiency and Speculation in a Model with Price-Contingent Contracts

Lars E. O. Svensson
p. 131-151

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Criteres Simples pour la Prise en Compte du Risque

Claude Henry
p. 153-170

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Rational Expectations in Stationary Linear Models

Carl A. Futia
p. 171-192

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Sets of Estimates of Location

Edward E. Leamer
p. 193-204

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Notes and Comments: OLS Estimation in a Model Where a Microvariable is Explained by Aggregates and Contemporaneous Disturbances are Equicorrelated

T. Kloek
p. 205-207

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Notes and Comments: The Determinateness Test and Economic Price Indices

Rolf Fare, Vern Lyon
p. 209-213

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Notes and Comments: The Existence of Expected Utility Maximizing Decisions when Utility is Unbounded

John Kennan
p. 215-218

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Notes and Comments: An Axiomatic Characterization of Common Knowledge

Paul Milgrom
p. 219-222

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1981 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 223-223

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Amsterdam, 1981: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 223-223

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Winter 1981 Econometric Society North American Meetings

p. 223-224

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 224-225

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News Note

p. 225-225

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Award of Frisch Medal for 1980

p. 227-227

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Report of the Secretary

Julie P. Gordon
p. 229-233

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Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 235-240

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Report of the Editor

Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 241-243

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Report of the Program Chairman, Fourth World Congress of the Econometric Society

Werner Hildenbrand
p. 245-246

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Program of the Econometric Society World Congress

p. 247-276

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Errata: The Durbin-Watson Test for Serial Correlation when there is No Intercept in the Regression

R. W. Farebrother
p. 277-277

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Errata: The Fine Structure of Earnings and the On-the-Job Training Hypothesis

John C. Hause
p. 277-277

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Resource Allocation Under Asymmetric Information

Milton Harris, Robert M. Townsend
p. 33-64

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A Simple Incentive Compatible Scheme for Attaining Lindahl Allocations

Mark Walker
p. 65-71

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What is the Normal Rate of Convergence of the Core? (Part I)

Hsueh-Cheng Cheng
p. 73-83

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Resource Depletion Under Technological Uncertainty

Joseph Stiglitz, Partha Dasgupta
p. 85-104

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