
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 50, Issue 1

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Front Matter

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

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Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models

Halbert White
p. 1-26

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Price-Quantity Strategic Market Games

Pradeep Dubey
p. 111-126

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A Market Value Approach to Approximate Equilibria

Robert M. Anderson
p. 127-136

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Decentralization and Epsilon-Rational Competitive Equilibria

Kenneth M. Kletzer, Steven M. Goldman
p. 137-144

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Voting with Proportional Veto Power

H. Moulin
p. 145-162

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Origins of Exploitation and Class: Value Theory of Pre-Capitalist Economy

John E. Roemer
p. 163-192

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Inequality Decomposition by Factor Components

A. F. Shorrocks
p. 193-212

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Tobin's Marginal q and Average q: A Neoclassical Interpretation

Fumio Hayashi
p. 213-224

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Notes and Comments: Theoretical Restrictions on the Parameters of Indirect Addilog Demand Equations--A Comment

K. N. Murty
p. 225-228

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Notes and Comments: A Note on Seemingly Unrelated Regressions

Denis Conniffe
p. 229-233

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A Call for Papers: 1982 Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 234-235

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 235-237

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European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Dublin 1982: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 235-235

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Nomination of Fellows, 1982

p. 235-235

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News Notes

p. 237-238

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Report of the Secretary

Julie P. Gordon
p. 239-242

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Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 243-248

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Report of the Editor

Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 249-250

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The Econometric Society Second Latin American Regional Meeting

p. 251-258

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Program of the 1981 European Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 258-273

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On the Asymptotic Properties of Estimators of Models Containing Limited Dependent Variables

Peter M. Robinson
p. 27-42

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Erratum: Approximations to Some Finite Sample Distributions Associated with the First Order Stochastic Difference Equations

P. C. B. Phillips
p. 274-274

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Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity Based on Regression Quantiles

Gilbert Bassett, Jr., Roger Koenker
p. 43-62

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Likelihood Ratio Test, Wald Test, and Kuhn-Tucker Test in Linear Models with Inequality Constraints on the Regression Parameters

Alain Monfort, Alberto Holly, Christian Gourieroux
p. 63-80

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An Algorithm for FIML and 3SLS Estimation of Large Nonlinear Models

William R. Parke
p. 81-96

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Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model

Ariel Rubinstein
p. 97-110

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