
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 52, Issue 5

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Front Matter

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

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The Costs of Substitution

C. Christian von Weizsacker
p. 1085-1116

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Bertrand Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints and Restricted Mobility

Michael Peters
p. 1117-1128

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Payoffs in Nonatomic Economies: An Axiomatic Approach

Abraham Neyman, Pradeep Dubey
p. 1129-1150

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Effectivity Functions and Acceptable Game Forms

Bhaskar Dutta
p. 1151-1166

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Implementing Efficient Egalitarian Equivalent Allocations

Gabrielle Demange
p. 1167-1178

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Nonmyopic Strategic Behavior in the MDP Planning Procedure

Michel Truchon
p. 1179-1190

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Investment in Human and Nonhuman Capital, Transfers Among Siblings, and the Role of Government

Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, Marc Nerlove
p. 1191-1198

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The Returns to Schooling: A Selectivity Bias Approach with a Continuous Choice Variable

John Garen
p. 1199-1218

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Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model

Daniel McFadden, Jerry Hausman
p. 1219-1240

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Testing for Unit Roots: 2

G. B. A. Evans, N. E. Savin
p. 1241-1270

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Approximation to the Finite Sample Distribution for Nonstable First Order Stochastic Difference Equations

S. E. Satchell
p. 1271-1290

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Model Selection when There is "Minimal" Prior Information

R. W. Klein, S. J. Brown
p. 1291-1312

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Notes and Comments: Functional Form for Estimating the Lorenz Curve

Manash Ranjan Gupta
p. 1313-1314

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Notes and Comments: Le Probleme de la Transformation: Solution(s)

E. Berrebi, G. Abraham-Frois
p. 1315-1316

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Notes and Comments: A Simple Stochastic Adjustment Process

Toshihide Mitsui
p. 1317-1319

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1985 World Congress of the Econometric Society: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 1320-1324

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 1324-1324

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News Notes

p. 1325-1326

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