
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 56, Issue 3

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Front Matter

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Submission of Manuscripts to Econometrica

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Measuring the Effect of Subsidized Training Programs on Movements In and Out of Employment

Daniel Sullivan, David Card
p. 497-530

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The Stochastic Difference Between Econometric Statistics

P. M. Robinson
p. 531-548

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A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, I: Overview and Quantity Competition with Large Fixed Costs

Eric Maskin, Jean Tirole
p. 549-569

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A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, II: Price Competition, Kinked Demand Curves, and Edgeworth Cycles

Eric Maskin, Jean Tirole
p. 571-599

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On Delay in Bargaining with One-Sided Uncertainty

Faruk Gul, Hugo Sonnenschein
p. 601-611

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The Existence of Input and Output Aggregates in Aggregate Production Functions

Charles Blackorby, William Schworm
p. 613-643

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Trade Patterns under Uncertainty with Country Specific Shocks

Elhanan Helpman
p. 645-659

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Game Forms with Minimal Message Spaces

Stanley Reiter, Stefan Reichelstein
p. 661-692

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Strategy Space Reduction in Maskin's Theorem: Sufficient Conditions for Nash Implementation

Tatsuyoshi Saijo
p. 693-700

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Notes and Comments: Alternative Estimators of FIML Covariance Matrix: A Monte Carlo Study

Giorgio Calzolari, Lorenzo Panattoni
p. 701-714

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1989 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society: Announcement and Call for Papers

p. 715-716

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The Frisch Medal Award, 1978-1988

p. 715-715

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1989 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society: Preliminary Announcement

p. 716-716

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Accepted Manuscripts

p. 716-716

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News Notes

p. 717-717

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Report of the President

p. 719-719

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1987 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 721-737

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Program of the 1987 North American Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society

p. 738-753

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Erratum: The Durable Goods Monopolist and Consistency with Increasing Costs

Charles Kahn
p. 754-754

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