
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 60, Issue 4

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Front Matter

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A More Robust Definition of Subjective Probability

David Schmeidler, Mark J. Machina
p. 745-780

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Intertemporal Preferences for Uncertain Consumption: A Continuous Time Approach

Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang
p. 781-801

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An Experimental Study of the Centipede Game

Richard D. McKelvey, Thomas R. Palfrey
p. 803-836

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Status, the Distribution of Wealth, Private and Social Attitudes to Risk

Arthur J. Robson
p. 837-857

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Marginal Cost Pricing Under Bounded Marginal Returns

Rajiv Vohra
p. 859-876

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Rationality, Computability, and Nash Equilibrium

David Canning
p. 877-888

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Estimation of a Model of Entry in the Airline Industry

Steven T. Berry
p. 889-917

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Bayesian Elicitation Diagnostics

Edward E. Leamer
p. 919-942

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Notes and Comments: A Method for Smoothing Simulated Moments of Discrete Probabilities in Multinomial Probit Models

Steven Stern
p. 943-952

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Notes and Comments: An Improved Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator

Donald W. K. Andrews, J. Christopher Monahan
p. 953-966

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Notes and Comments: Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation for Dependent Heterogeneous Processes

Bruce E. Hansen
p. 967-972

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Notes and Comments: Non-Nested Tests for Competing Models Estimated by Generalized Method of Moments

Richard J. Smith
p. 973-980

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p. 981-983

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News Notes

p. 985-987

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Program of the 1992 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 991-992

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