
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 61, Issue 1

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Front Matter

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Rationing, Queues, and Black Markets

Victor Polterovich
p. 1-28

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The Limiting Distribution of the Maximum Rank Correlation Estimator

Robert P. Sherman
p. 123-137

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Exactly Median-Unbiased Estimation of First Order Autoregressive/Unit Root Models

Donald W. K. Andrews
p. 139-165

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Common Persistence in Conditional Variances

Robert F. Engle, Tim Bollerslev
p. 167-186

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Notes and Comments: A Definition of Subjective Probabilities with State-Dependent Preferences

Edi Karni
p. 187-198

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Notes and Comments: A "Reputation" Refinement without Equilibrium

Joel Watson
p. 199-205

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p. 207-215

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News Notes

p. 217-220

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1992: Report of the Secretary

Julie P. Gordon
p. 221-227

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1992: Report of the Treasurer

Robert J. Gordon
p. 229-235

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1992: Report of the Editors

Andrew Mas-Colell, Martin Hellwig, Peter Robinson, Robert Porter
p. 237-239

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1992: Econometrica Referees 1991-1992

p. 240-244

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The Econometric Society Annual Reports, 1992: The Econometric Society Research Monograph Series: Report of the Editors

Alain Monfort, Avinash Dixit
p. 245-246

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Erratum: The Great Cash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis

p. 248-249

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Learning, Mutation, and Long Run Equilibria in Games

George J. Mailath, Michihiro Kandori, Rafael Rob
p. 29-56

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The Evolution of Conventions

H. Peyton Young
p. 57-84

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Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Rules with Durability and Local Substitution

Ayman Hindy, Chi-fu Huang
p. 85-121

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