
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica - Volume 61, Issue 3

Back Matter

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Front Matter

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Internal Consistency of Choice

Amartya Sen
p. 495-521

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Self-Confirming Equilibrium

David K. Levine, Drew Fudenberg
p. 523-545

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Steady State Learning and Nash Equilibrium

David K. Levine, Drew Fudenberg
p. 547-573

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Consistent Solutions in Atomless Economies

Lin Zhou, William Thomson
p. 575-587

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Standard Risk Aversion

Miles S. Kimball
p. 589-611

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Sufficient Conditions for Inessentiality

Mark Stegeman
p. 613-627

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Collusion in Hierarchical Agency

Fred Kofman, Jacques Lawarree
p. 629-656

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Informative Price Advertising in a Sequential Search Model

Dale O. Stahl II, Jacques Robert
p. 657-686

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Notes and Comments: Highly Insignificant $F$-Ratios

P. M. Robinson
p. 687-696

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p. 697-697

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1992 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society

p. 699-703

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Fellows of the Econometric Society, January 1993

p. 705-722

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Program of the 1992 Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 723-741

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Program of the 1993 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society

p. 743-744

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